My nickname is “Mom” ... but my full name is “Mom Mom Mother Moooooom Momma MOM”
DeAnne Edwards
At first I couldn’t even believe I was pregnant but I already loved him with my whole heart. I was ready to meet him, count his toes, smell his breath... inspect every inch of him. I believe I actually said, “I just want to give him everything”.
Ain’t no Hood like Motherhood!
I have lost sleep, cried innumerable tears, questioned my every decision and judged myself harshly. It’s the most rewarding, frustrating, miraculous, painfully difficult, exhausting title I’ve ever had or will ever have. There is no vacation time, poor pay and my job responsibilities are always changing. I’ve never been more ill prepared for a job but ready to tackle it head on at the same time.
At first it’s feed, bathe, change, rock, and love. Then comes teach, discipline, demonstrate and love. Next is answer, counsel, listen and love. Not to forget champion, protector, coach and love. I’m not sure what’s next and there’s never been a handbook but I can’t go wrong with love. So when in doubt... just wing it. Do it on the fly, all of it.
I’ve had sleepless nights and days, worries beyond my own comprehension, countless tears, mistakes and been judge, jury and executioner of my own decisions... all in the name of trying to be the best mom I can. I’ve apologized to him for overreacting, for my anger, for just being plain wrong and a myriad of other things.
Funny thing about being his mom... he loves me no matter what. He doesn’t care if I’ve gained/lost weight or wrinkled or have morning breath or not showered. He just loves me. Even when I’m wrong, even when I’m sad, even when I question my everything...
I’m no June Clever or Marion Cunningham. Heck, I don’t even hold a candle to my own mother. But somewhere along the way God decided I was the perfect mother for him and I’ve learned not to argue with God cuz it’s a losing battle.
I know someday sooner than I want he won’t want good night hugs or for me to pick him up or sit in my lap. He will no longer look up at me, I will be looking up at him. His fingerprints won’t be everywhere nor will his stuff or his 6 glasses he drank out of today or crumbs from his last meal. His room won’t smell like boy and feet cuz he will have moved out, grown up and if I’ve done my job right, will be taking care of his own needs and himself.
But time or space will never take away the fact that he will always be my little boy, my baby, my punkin. He has granted me the best job as his mom, I can only hope I am doing it justice. I tell him often he’s my favorite. He loves to point out he’s my only. He’s right, he’s the only one who has heard my heart beat from the inside. It was then and still does beat for him.
The most magical day of my life was the day I became his mother.