It is in this
Resolution Adopting the Rules of the House of Representatives for the One Hundred Seventeenth Congress, and for other purposes.
(1) In clause 1(c)(9) of rule X, strike ‘‘seamen’’ and insert ‘‘seafarers’’.
(2) In clause 4(a)(1)(B) of rule X, strike ‘‘Chairman’’ and insert ‘‘Chair’’.
(3) In clause 8(c)(3) of rule XXIII, strike ‘‘father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew, niece, husband, wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, stepfather, step-mother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, step-sister, half brother, half sister, grandson, or granddaughter’’ and insert ‘‘parent, child, sibling, parent’s sibling, first cousin, sibling’s child, spouse, parent-in-law, child-in-law, sibling-in-law, stepparent, step-child, stepsibling, half-sibling, or grandchild’’.
(4) In clause 10(b) of rule XXIII—
(A) strike ‘‘submit his or her resignation’’ and insert ‘‘resign’’;
(B) strike ‘‘he or she serves’’ and insert ‘‘such Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner serves’’; and
(C) strike ‘‘he or she holds’’ and insert ‘‘such Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner holds’’.
(5) In clause 15(d)(2) of rule XXIII, strike ‘‘father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, husband, wife, father-in-law, or mother-in-law’’ and insert ‘‘parent, child, sibling, spouse, or parent-in-law’’.
(6) In clause 4 of rule XXVII, strike ‘‘himself or herself’’ and insert ‘‘themself’’.
(7) In rule XXIX, clause 2 is amended to read as follows: ‘‘2. (Reserved.)’’.