richard n koustas
New Member
New iMac user here. -- Need help.
I have the (new intel core duo) iMac connected via Ethernet cable to a port on a router on a home network and the router is connected to a cable modem (both are (older) Motorola products). Every once in a while, when the computer goes to sleep, it disconnects from the network. once i was able to reconnect just by going through the diagnostics, but usually we have to reset the cable modem and the router. is there some setting that needs to be set on computer to prevent it from disconnecting itself? if not, where would i begin to trouble shoot? would it be easier to connect wirelessly? thanks in advance....
I have the (new intel core duo) iMac connected via Ethernet cable to a port on a router on a home network and the router is connected to a cable modem (both are (older) Motorola products). Every once in a while, when the computer goes to sleep, it disconnects from the network. once i was able to reconnect just by going through the diagnostics, but usually we have to reset the cable modem and the router. is there some setting that needs to be set on computer to prevent it from disconnecting itself? if not, where would i begin to trouble shoot? would it be easier to connect wirelessly? thanks in advance....