I agree. It is a very sad time for this democratic-republic. Are we to go down without a fight? I see no leader in sight who might draw us together in a lawful/meaningful way to defend against these tyrants. Hopefully, I will soon be proven to be short-sighted!
The ones who are supposed to be our leaders are more concerned with getting re-elected than doing what we elected them to do.
In addition, because those who hate America are a noisy minority, it appears to me that they are mis-viewed as holding the mainstream public opinion. We are a silent majority that is allowing a few noisy people to impose their immoral views of, and immoral vision for America upon us. We need unelected leaders, people who rise stand above the fog political correctness and fear of public sentiment and be leaders. We need people of courage to energize the silent majority into being silent no more.
Our elected leaders need to see who constitutes the true majority in this country and we need to put their feet to the fire and let them know that we the people are in charge, that the authority in this country goes bottom-up. They have been allowed to create a political class that thinks of itself as the ruling elite. And we need to take that away from them and remind them that they serve us, not the other way around.
We need real leaders and not cowards and criminal sympathizers. It is my opinion that the Constitution offers a legal route to address this and it is called, "The Convention of States." Our founders were geniuses, but we are navigating waters that not even those brilliant men could foresee. They knew that it was possible that something might happen that they had not made provision for in the Constitution and so they gave us the ability to call a "Convention of States" in Article V of the US Constitution.