Bill Clinton is a true sexual predator, despite the media's attempt to falsely brand Trump as one. A very brave woman has now come forward to describe the assault she endured. You can listen to her interview here.
This is what actual sexual assault looks like. Trump was certainly promiscuous many years ago, but not a rapist. He understood the word "no." Bill Clinton is Bill Cosby on steroids, as you'll hear in this woman's testimony and the others that are out there.
The left and the media are working hard to cover this up, but talk to your sons and daughters about the abuse that went on during the Clinton years and Hillary's role in it. Don't allow these victims to be punished for having the guts to come forward.
And Christians, please understand what is at stake. If you don't support Trump, you are willingly putting a sexual predator back in the White House, along with the woman who enabled him for many years. (Not to mention giving up the Supreme Court to the anti-christian left.)
Do the right thing. Don't let the media manipulate you.
This is what actual sexual assault looks like. Trump was certainly promiscuous many years ago, but not a rapist. He understood the word "no." Bill Clinton is Bill Cosby on steroids, as you'll hear in this woman's testimony and the others that are out there.
The left and the media are working hard to cover this up, but talk to your sons and daughters about the abuse that went on during the Clinton years and Hillary's role in it. Don't allow these victims to be punished for having the guts to come forward.

And Christians, please understand what is at stake. If you don't support Trump, you are willingly putting a sexual predator back in the White House, along with the woman who enabled him for many years. (Not to mention giving up the Supreme Court to the anti-christian left.)
Do the right thing. Don't let the media manipulate you.