At this point, this thread doesn't have very many posts so it is not very difficult to go back to the first post and follow the conversation. However, it may be a little confusing because there are two different translations being discussed: initially the AV7 with the TMB mixed in. Both make claim to the subtitle
New Authorized Version. I'm a little surprised there isn't more interest about these on this forum.
LRL71 said:
... I wonder why there are two names for the same version? The link to the website you provided had more information about the TMB than the AV7 website...
It is not clear from LRL71's question whether he wonders about dual names for individual translations, or because these two versions have
New Authorized Version in common. If the former, then we should recognize that many Bibles have long complete titles and subtitles. If the latter, then I would suggest that it is for marketing purposes.
There are several Bibles that have common or similar titles (and acronyms). For example, there are two or more versions known as an
American Translation: Smith-Goodspeed's (1923) and Beck's (1976). In addition, there are the
New American Bible (NAB) and
New American Standard Bible (NASB); the
New American Standard Bible is also sometimes referred to as the NASV (V for
Version) or NASU (
Updated in 1995). Beck's AAT went on to be edited by Giessler in 1990 and marketed under the title
New Evangelical Translation (NET). More recently, both the
New English Translation (Biblical Studies Press) and the
New Evangelical Translation (NET Publishers) are also described as the NET! Finally, I will mention the
New English Bible (NEB). So there are overlapping terms.
Another point I wanted to make (not aimed at any individual in particular) is that I think forum members need to both
read and
write carefully, accurately, and as specifically as much as possible. Ironically, members on this forum are often highly critical of Bible translators for being sloppy editors. I am not suggesting a scholarly forum; I like the casual atmosphere... but I feel we have a responsibility to the other folks that come and look to this forum as a source of factual information and advise.
I realize that sometimes 'facts' can be disputable (opinions) and that people will make mistakes (no human is perfect). But what I am addressing is what I have perceived as lack of effort to communicate effectively. I have witnessed errors and questions posted that could have been easily avoided by simply a quick web search.
I have the 'whatsoever ye do, do as unto the Lord' attitude in mind.