.....“The after-the-fact dissection of a presidential candidate almost always focuses on the losing side,” she continued. “That’s understandable, but if we as Republicans are going to lead effectively and have staying power as the governing party, we must accept that Donald Trump’s election was not an affirmation of the way Republicans have conducted themselves.”
“The President-elect deserves tremendous credit for the way he was able to connect with the electorate, but he did not do it by celebrating the Republican Party, and the American people did not vote for him because he had an R next to his name.”
“He ran against both parties, against the political system at large, a system he argued was fundamentally broken, a notion voters subscribed to in massive numbers,” Haley added. “They’ve rejected the political class of all stripes, Republicans included, and we have no one to blame but ourselves.”
“The President-elect deserves tremendous credit for the way he was able to connect with the electorate, but he did not do it by celebrating the Republican Party, and the American people did not vote for him because he had an R next to his name.”
“He ran against both parties, against the political system at large, a system he argued was fundamentally broken, a notion voters subscribed to in massive numbers,” Haley added. “They’ve rejected the political class of all stripes, Republicans included, and we have no one to blame but ourselves.”