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[URL="]Fox News: End of the line for the lead bullet? Regulations, bans force switch to 'green' ammo[/URL]
Switching to copper bullets is going to cost hunters and law enforcement more, and probably do diddly-squat for the environment. Your "green gestapo" -- otherwise known as the EPA -- at work, folks. Enjoy.When the last bullet-producing lead smelter closes its doors on Dec. 31, it will mark a major victory for those who say lead-based ammunition pollutes the environment, but others warn 'green' bullets will cost more, drive up copper prices and do little to help conservation
The bid to ban lead bullets, seen by some as harmful to the environment, started slowly more than a decade ago. But with two dozen states, including California, banning bullets made of the soft, heavy metal, the lead bullet's epitaph was already being written when the federal government finished it off.
First, the military announced plans to phase out lead bullets by 2018.
Then the federal Environmental Protection Agency, citing emissions, ordered the shutdown of the Doe Run company's lead smelter in Herculaneum, Mo., by year's end.