How does keeping small businesses at almost 40% while reducing corporate rates to 28% make any sense?
What about all those 99%ers that were so anti-corporation, and causing so much controversy while the administration sat back and basically encouraged them? What must they be thinking?
Why does this strike me as a move to help Democrats in the 2014 elections?
American corporate taxes are the highest in the world. People who make money overseas leave it overseas because to bring it home is to pay very high taxes. It is better to start a new business overseas than to start one here in this country. If you already have a business overseas, it is better to expand there than to expand here.
The Democrats are keenly aware of this competitive disadvantage and they also realize that prosperity begins with making corporate taxes low. However, the Democrats are control freaks. They want to run the corporations by coupling a corporate tax cut with expansion of domestic hiring. It is not the business of government to run business but the Democrats are so power hungry that they do not want to let the market take its course.
Obama wants to use the rejection of his power grab by the GOP as an excuse to do nothing to lower corporate taxes. As long as Jews, blacks, gays, and unions vote Democrat, the Democrats will move this country to a European welfare state while at the same time denouncing Europe for their past as colonial powers in an imperial domain. Europe already has lower corporate taxes than we do, and even Japan has reduced corporate taxes.
Bernanke and the Federal Reserve Bank will just keep printing money to issue food stamps, unemployment checks, and welfare checks. But as Romney warned recently in a trip to Utah, in about ten years the Chinese will be so strong that they will no longer need our business or need to buy our worthless debt. Then things will be grim if they aren't already.