The oil companies have been reporting record profits and still they receive subsidies from the government. They have good lobbyists and also have many congressmen/women in their pockets. You are not so naive as to believe oil companies want to reduce prices are you?
Also, they have said that if the pipeline is built from Canada it will do nothing to bring oil prices down here as that oil will be exported ... to make larger profits.
I highlighted that one line because you need to understand: Oil companies don't care what the price consumers pay is. The correct wording of your statement is, "oil companies [don't] want to reduce
Increase regulation, and you increase cost to the company, thus reducing profit. Decrease subsidies, and you increase cost to the company, thus reducing profit. Reduce the amount of regulations, reduce the amount of taxes, and oil companies can reduce the final cost to the consumer and still maintain their standard profit line. Simple economics.
CTB, you're arguing against the basic theory of evolution: Survival of the fittest. Competition breeds innovation. The past two years are a perfect example: faced with reduced profits, many corporations held on to their funds instead of putting them back into things like R&D. They did this under the basic auspice of "saving for a rainy day" (meaning, a point when they weren't making enough profit to pay taxes and costs).
When the economic outlook looks bleak, do you go out and spend every dollar you have, and hope that in a year or two you still have a job and can pay for a roof over your head? Or do you wisely put money in a savings account, or even a mason jar in the back yard, and thus remove your cash flow from the economy?
No, the only reason to implement these kind of regulations on the oil companies is to drive their costs up, trying to impact their profit lines, and thus driving the cost of fossil fuels to the consumer to a point where you and I *have* to use alternative means.
Me, I'm looking at a horse and buggy. Save the car for the big trips (over 50 miles). Wal-mart's only 8 miles away from where I'll be living in a year or two; and the job I'm looking to get will only be about 12 miles. It'll be kind of tough during the winter months; but hey, our forefathers were able to deal with it.