Copied from another thread, thank you for posting this:
Does anyone else get bulletins from "Out of Zion" ? This was in the last one I received :-
This is probably the wrong thread to post it in , but some interesting comment here.
"2. Obama Presidency Threatens Israel’s Existence: States Middle East Scholar Professor Paul Eidelberg (Jerusalem, July 22, 2008)
At the conclusion of Barack Obama’s visit to Israel, noted Middle-East scholar Professor Paul Eidelberg, president of a Jerusalem-based think tank and the author of “Jewish Statesmanship: Lest Israel Fall”, is warning American voters of dire consequences for the state of Israel if the Barack Obama is elected President of the United States. Eidelberg, founder and president of The Foundation for Constitutional Democracy ( and a columnist for the Jewish Press noted: Today, I am issuing the sternest warning possible to my fellow Jews as well as all Americans who love their country and their brothers and sisters in Israel. Never in my lifetime has there been a Presidential candidate so utterly clueless about the importance of the State of Israel and the need for the U.S. to stand with her. "Barack Obama has only the most superficial knowledge about Israel and the Middle East, and the advisers he has hired, so-called experts, appear to have learned nothing from the history of this war-infected region. His trip to Israel is nothing more than a campaign ploy to make him appear to have expertise on an issue of which he is pathetically ignorant."
Noting that Obama supports Israel’s withdrawal from the West Bank, which Eidelberg refers to as “Judea & Samaria,” he states “This will cause the West Bank to become a base for international terrorism and a launching pad for bombing Israeli towns such as Sderot, has caused the town to be depopulated. A withdrawal will trigger a flow of arms into these areas that will result in every city and military base in Israel to be within range of even the most rudimentary Arab missiles. When that happens I don’t believe Barack Obama will defend Israel. Eidelberg, a graduate of the University of Chicago, served as an officer in the United States Air Force and immigrated to Israel in 1976 shortly after authoring a trilogy on America’s Founding Fathers, The Philosophy of The American, On the Silence of the Declaration of Independence, and A Discourse on Statesmanship. He is also the author of various books on the Arab-Israel conflict and has a weekly talk show on Israel National Radio. “That Senator Obama should be a serious candidate for President of the United States is shocking to a person like me, who has written extensively on America’s Founding Fathers. I see Obama as a danger not only to Israel but to America as well. I therefore urge all Americans: do not be deceived by this cunning, smooth-talking and inexperienced politician whose agenda will endanger the two nations I love: Israel and America.”
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