A budget proposal from the Obama administration would spend $475 million on beach cleanups, wetlands restoration and removal of toxic sediments from river bottoms around the Great Lakes.
I have to admit to being more than a little conflicted about this proposed spending.
The government has already gone way over board in spending and probably have already ruined our nation's financial system.
Obama has already shown that his mafia style of operating is to put money into something and then declare that he now runs it.
I worry that this will lead to the Feds deciding to ship the Great Lakes water off to California or some such place.
Usually the government only makes things worse.
But it would be nice to see our Great Lakes more protected - especially against the invasive species.
I have to admit to being more than a little conflicted about this proposed spending.
The government has already gone way over board in spending and probably have already ruined our nation's financial system.
Obama has already shown that his mafia style of operating is to put money into something and then declare that he now runs it.
I worry that this will lead to the Feds deciding to ship the Great Lakes water off to California or some such place.
Usually the government only makes things worse.
But it would be nice to see our Great Lakes more protected - especially against the invasive species.