At one time, not too long ago, I liked Mike Huckabee. No, he was never my first choice but I had a lot of respect for him. Now I find myself wondering what he is up to. According to a recent news report, Huckabee sees himself as the one who will "deny front runner John McCain the nomination". That is an amazing statement. Here is a man who has fallen far behind McCain, who is at best a long shot to win Texas, yet he believes he can remove McCain from front runner status and deny him the Republican nomination. I want some of whatever Huckabee has been drinking because, whatever it is, it makes one totally unaware of reality. Huckabee has gone from being a serious contender to an "also ran" who refused to give up. It is time for Huckabee, and James Dobson, to face reality and go from there. That means that Huckabee needs to withdraw from the race and Dobson needs to get off the latest "evangelical" bandwagon. Don't worry about Dobson, I am sure he will find another wagon to jump on soon (he usually does). Maybe he can join Jack Van Impe in predicting the final day of history or he can follow Pat Robertson's latest health/workout plan :laugh: . Back to Huckabee. The man had a chance to be VP, which would have been great, but he has ruined that. And as far as this "right-wing, evangelical, Christian" is concerned Huckabee is not setting himself up as the conservative alternative to anyone. In my mind he is setting himself up as the poor loser of the year. There comes a point in any venture when reality has to set in. Either it is working or it is not working. In Huckabee's case it stopped working several weeks ago. It is time for him to move on.