Dear Brethren,
I debated whether to put this post in the Denominations forum or here, you see which forum won the debate If I lost this debate, just let me know. If you want further information, let me know and I will pm to you contact info.
Bro. Dallas
Old Regular Baptists
The Old Regular Baptist Church of Jesus Christ is one of the subdenominations of the Baptist church, and is concentrated in an area along the Virginia and Kentucky border. Churches are found in other states as a result of outward migration from the region. As of 1987, there were seventy-three Old Regular churches, with a membership of 3285. The first association of churches which would become the Old Regular Baptists was formed in 1825. The New Salem Association was formed out of the Burning Spring A ssociation. Of the eight churches which originally made up the New Salem Association, only two remain. It was this association of churches that adopted the term Old Regular Baptist in 1892. They adopted a doctrine somewhere between the Calvinistic Primitive Baptists and the more Arminian Free Will and Missionary Baptists.
The Old Regulars believe in keeping with the "old ways." Their patriarchal organization follows a set of rules which has been lifted from the New Testament, forming the basis of their institution. The following are some examples: Women are denied a fo rmal voice in church governance (I Cor. 14:34). Men are commanded to cut their hair, and women are admonished not to do so (I Cor. 11:14-15). Women must not dress in men's clothing, i.e. slacks, jeans, pantsuits (Deut. 22:5). Men are to command their o wn homes (Eph. 5:22-23), particularly those ordained as deacons (I Tim. 3:12). These scriptural rules, and others are staunchly followed. The Old Regulars pride themselves on the belief that their church is most closely representative of the early Chris tian Church of the New Testament.
The Old Regular Baptist congregation ranges in size from four to nearly two hundred members, although they average between thirty-five to forty-five. They meet monthly and often attend the services of other Old Regular Churches on the Sundays their chu rch does not meet. There is a total of sixteen Old Regular Baptist associations. Some of them are in communication with each other, but not one is in communication with all. Each association has an annual meeting which serves as a business meeting, ext ended church service, and a homecoming for families who have moved away from the region.
This appears at present to be one of the smallest Old Regular Baptist Associations. They are however one of the strongest representatives of the original doctrine, faith and practice of the Old Regular Baptist in modern times.The churches of this association stress the Godhead,Inflability of the Old and New Testament,Election by Grace,Original Sin,Justification by the Imputed Righteousness of Jesus Christ,sinners being called to Repentance,Eternal Secruity,a properly ordained ministry.Their ministers preach a Travail from Nature to Grace,(there must be a begotting before there can be a birth.)They believe in a Last Day in which there will be a resurection of the dead the just and the unjust,the joys of the righteous and the punishment of the wicked will be eternal.They baptize by immersion, take the Lord's Supper with wine and unleavened bread which is followed by feet washing.Old Regular Baptist are non-instrumental prefering to line their songs in different meters.The members of this association practice modesty of dress.Sisters belonging to these churches do not cut their hair,brothers do not let their hair grow long.They have no secret orders among their membership. Sovereign Grace Association doesn't however infringe on any of it's Corresponding Associations and leaves them to settle their own matters.Like all Orthodox Old School Baptist they deny Freewillism,Arminism,Gospel Regeneration,Works for Eternal Salvation,Pre and Postmillenalism.While there are young people attending their churches, there is no Sunday Schools, Missionary Societies, ETC..Sovereign Grace Old Regulars believe the church of today has no right to place something in the church ,that Christ and the Apostles did not establish; that to do such would be adding to the Word of God. You will find these churches are very open to newcomers/outsiders.Visiting one of these churches is like taking a trip back in time, you will often hear shouting and praising the KING OF KINGS AND THE LORD OF LORDS, oldtime singing and love being manifested throughout the service,if you long for simple New Testament Worship vist one of these Old Regular Baptist Churches.
MOUNT ZION CHURCH: Located on State Route 309(8 miles west of Kenton,Ohio and 18 miles east of Lima,Ohio behind the roadside rest)This Church meets the first Sunday of every month @ 10:30 A.M
NEW MT.ZION CHURCH:Located on Kegley Street off 2nd Street north in Shelby, Ohio.This Church meets every 4th Sunday of every month
@ 10:00 A.M
BLESSED HOPE CHURCH: From Liberty,Kentucky take 70west to Moxley
Road turn left on Moxley by Creston Missionary Baptist then go 4.3 miles and as you come down a large hill turn left onto Spruce Pine Road the church is on the right 1/10th of amile.
This church meets on the 2nd Sunday of each month @ 9:30cst/10:30 est A.M and every Sunday @ 6:00cst/7:00est P.M
GREEN RIVER CHURCH: Lincoln County(McKinney),Kentucky take RT698
west from RT27 Go past Redeemption Road Church down the hill Church is approx.4miles from RT27 on the right.
This church meets on the 3rd Sunday most of the year.
I debated whether to put this post in the Denominations forum or here, you see which forum won the debate If I lost this debate, just let me know. If you want further information, let me know and I will pm to you contact info.
Bro. Dallas
Old Regular Baptists
The Old Regular Baptist Church of Jesus Christ is one of the subdenominations of the Baptist church, and is concentrated in an area along the Virginia and Kentucky border. Churches are found in other states as a result of outward migration from the region. As of 1987, there were seventy-three Old Regular churches, with a membership of 3285. The first association of churches which would become the Old Regular Baptists was formed in 1825. The New Salem Association was formed out of the Burning Spring A ssociation. Of the eight churches which originally made up the New Salem Association, only two remain. It was this association of churches that adopted the term Old Regular Baptist in 1892. They adopted a doctrine somewhere between the Calvinistic Primitive Baptists and the more Arminian Free Will and Missionary Baptists.
The Old Regulars believe in keeping with the "old ways." Their patriarchal organization follows a set of rules which has been lifted from the New Testament, forming the basis of their institution. The following are some examples: Women are denied a fo rmal voice in church governance (I Cor. 14:34). Men are commanded to cut their hair, and women are admonished not to do so (I Cor. 11:14-15). Women must not dress in men's clothing, i.e. slacks, jeans, pantsuits (Deut. 22:5). Men are to command their o wn homes (Eph. 5:22-23), particularly those ordained as deacons (I Tim. 3:12). These scriptural rules, and others are staunchly followed. The Old Regulars pride themselves on the belief that their church is most closely representative of the early Chris tian Church of the New Testament.
The Old Regular Baptist congregation ranges in size from four to nearly two hundred members, although they average between thirty-five to forty-five. They meet monthly and often attend the services of other Old Regular Churches on the Sundays their chu rch does not meet. There is a total of sixteen Old Regular Baptist associations. Some of them are in communication with each other, but not one is in communication with all. Each association has an annual meeting which serves as a business meeting, ext ended church service, and a homecoming for families who have moved away from the region.
This appears at present to be one of the smallest Old Regular Baptist Associations. They are however one of the strongest representatives of the original doctrine, faith and practice of the Old Regular Baptist in modern times.The churches of this association stress the Godhead,Inflability of the Old and New Testament,Election by Grace,Original Sin,Justification by the Imputed Righteousness of Jesus Christ,sinners being called to Repentance,Eternal Secruity,a properly ordained ministry.Their ministers preach a Travail from Nature to Grace,(there must be a begotting before there can be a birth.)They believe in a Last Day in which there will be a resurection of the dead the just and the unjust,the joys of the righteous and the punishment of the wicked will be eternal.They baptize by immersion, take the Lord's Supper with wine and unleavened bread which is followed by feet washing.Old Regular Baptist are non-instrumental prefering to line their songs in different meters.The members of this association practice modesty of dress.Sisters belonging to these churches do not cut their hair,brothers do not let their hair grow long.They have no secret orders among their membership. Sovereign Grace Association doesn't however infringe on any of it's Corresponding Associations and leaves them to settle their own matters.Like all Orthodox Old School Baptist they deny Freewillism,Arminism,Gospel Regeneration,Works for Eternal Salvation,Pre and Postmillenalism.While there are young people attending their churches, there is no Sunday Schools, Missionary Societies, ETC..Sovereign Grace Old Regulars believe the church of today has no right to place something in the church ,that Christ and the Apostles did not establish; that to do such would be adding to the Word of God. You will find these churches are very open to newcomers/outsiders.Visiting one of these churches is like taking a trip back in time, you will often hear shouting and praising the KING OF KINGS AND THE LORD OF LORDS, oldtime singing and love being manifested throughout the service,if you long for simple New Testament Worship vist one of these Old Regular Baptist Churches.
MOUNT ZION CHURCH: Located on State Route 309(8 miles west of Kenton,Ohio and 18 miles east of Lima,Ohio behind the roadside rest)This Church meets the first Sunday of every month @ 10:30 A.M
NEW MT.ZION CHURCH:Located on Kegley Street off 2nd Street north in Shelby, Ohio.This Church meets every 4th Sunday of every month
@ 10:00 A.M
BLESSED HOPE CHURCH: From Liberty,Kentucky take 70west to Moxley
Road turn left on Moxley by Creston Missionary Baptist then go 4.3 miles and as you come down a large hill turn left onto Spruce Pine Road the church is on the right 1/10th of amile.
This church meets on the 2nd Sunday of each month @ 9:30cst/10:30 est A.M and every Sunday @ 6:00cst/7:00est P.M
GREEN RIVER CHURCH: Lincoln County(McKinney),Kentucky take RT698
west from RT27 Go past Redeemption Road Church down the hill Church is approx.4miles from RT27 on the right.
This church meets on the 3rd Sunday most of the year.