62% of American's feel Obama is doing enough to reach out to the other side of the isle while only 27% feel the GOP is doing likewise. Seeing that Obama won with only 52.87% of the popular vote, this means he has gained about 10% traction from those who didn't give him their vote...
Bipartisanship isn't dead -- it's just single-sided, according to a new poll from the Associated Press-GfK. The AP survey reports 62% of U.S. adults believe Pres. Obama is cooperating "about the right amount" with GOPers in Congress, while 27% think the same about the GOP's work with Obama.
Conversely, 64% of adults believe Congressional GOPers are not cooperating enough with the POTUS, and only 30% believe Obama is not collaborating enough with GOPers. Another 6% and 5% believe the POTUS and GOPers, respectively, are working together too much.
These figures mirror the approval ratings for each group on the economy. Approximately two-thirds of adults, 68%, approve of Obama's handling of the economy, and 27% disapprove. Only a third, however, approve of how GOPers in Congress are handling the economy, while 59% disapprove. The economic numbers for Congressional Dems are split nearly evenly -- 49% of adults approve, and 45% disapprove.
Overall, 67%, approve of Obama's handling of his job, including 37% who "strongly approve." Congress, meanwhile, has a job approval of 31%.
The Associated Press poll was conducted 2/12-17 by GfK Roper Public Affairs & Media, surveyed 1,001 nat'l adults and has margin of error +/- 3.1%.