Gwyneth! If you work with Outlook Express, here is what you need to do. It worked for me, and I just recently changed email providers myself - running into difficulty for I did not realize but I misspelled my own name on one important line and it would not accept my account.....
Well, go to the following applications:
Outgoing mail [SMTP]: Now here on this line type the name of your Internet Provider as follows (mine is Verizon): outgoing.verizon.net
Account name: You need to call your Internet Provider to find out the lettering sequence for this line. I typed all kinds of things there and did not work, until I called Verizon and got the right lettering sequence. After that it was a synch.
I understand you have problem with your
outgoing mail. Follow the above instructions and you should be back in business. God's speed and Merry Christmas!