The typical flu kills 1 out of every 1000 healthy people that catch it. This virus kills 3 out of every 1000 healthy people that catch it (according to one study, the data sample is too small to be definitive). That makes it serious, but not the end of the world. Those vulnerable to pneumonia (like cancer patients and people over 70) have closer to a 30% mortality rate from this virus (which is scary for anyone that has friends or family at risk) but again, it is not the end of the world.
Some people have chosen to panic. However I personally cannot connect the dots from locking myself in a closet with hoards of toilet paper, hand sanitizer and surgical masks ... to surviving an imagined "zombie apocalypse". So I find the panic hoarding more funny than anything else.
As Christians, we should always be concerned about the welfare of our neighbors and community. Right now, that means having an attitude of hope rather than fear ... last time I checked, my bible still said "ALL THINGS work together for our good" and "JESUS WILL NEVER LEAVE US OR FORSAKE US". So the question is what is the "right" thing to do for your community (especially those that are most vulnerable and frightened)?
The government has NEVER been able to effectively curb bad behavior. Every society has always both outlawed and punished murder, yet we do not live in a world where murder in unknown. The cure for sin is GOD, not Government. The Holy Spirit changes hearts, laws do not.
Yes, I have experienced empty shelves. The local Walmart Marketplace was completely sold out of my favorite Crystal Lite "Peach Iced Tea", so I had to buy another flavor. I did not think it was because of the "zombie apocalypse" at the time, but now I wonder if the hoarders have realized that "man does not live by toilet paper and hand sanitizer alone"?