The OP has started a thread with a catchy title but, in the content of the post, doesn't provide much. So let's get to the bones of the issue and see what's going on. Since I've said (in other threads) that Trump and Clinton are simply different sides of the same coin (a phrase I actually used previously) this thread is directed at dissenters from the corrupted two party system like me.
When I've said Trump and Clinton are two sides of the same coin this does, in part, mean their stances on positions but is more about how they are similarly corrupt individuals. We all know the baggage the Clinton family brings but Mr Trump has an entirely new kind of baggage that is just as loaded. Both appear to have little esteem for accountability and have engaged in dealings that are beyond illegal and downright immoral.
The most basic issue is simple: we don't entirely know where Donald Trump stands on all the issues because he consistently changes his positions. Just like he has changed his
party affiliation over the past thirty years or so.
This leads to a pretty challenging situation for Republican voters, as another poster has aptly noted, we don't know what Mr Trump would do if elected President. He's changed his positions so often it is difficult to entirely be sure.
Alongside this first challenge is the second: Donald Trump hasn't actually articulated many policy positions and, when confronted about his vacuous statements on policy, never clarifies but attacks those asking the questions. Of the few positions he has clearly articulated, we see there are some differences from Mrs Clinton on certain things, but corresponding similarities on others. Mr Trump also suffers from having given a number of contradicting positions. However, it has been noted that both candidates
need to begin clarifying their positions so Mr Trump isn't alone in ambiguity. Mrs Clinton does have something that Mr Trump doesn't, by virtue of her lengthy public service, an large voting record. That isn't, as noted by many Trump supporters, inherently a good thing to all.
For the basis of some the next series of comments please refer to this excellent site ( for details on
Donald Trump (T) and
Hillary Clinton (C).
Second amendment
(T) Supports no weapons bans and believes gun ownership is a right. Though previously supported an assault weapons ban.
(C) Advocates "sensible" gun control regulations and has voted to limit gun ownership.
(T) Opposes late term abortion, but has supported pro-choice positions including verbal support for Planned Parenthood but thinks it should be defunded. Says he's evolved on this position.
(C) - Clearly supports abortion on demand without apology.
(T) Wants to modify but keep in place the ACA including removing the individual mandate.
(C) States the ACA is successful and should be expanded.
(T) No stated education policy, but has spoken out against Common Core and Department of Education while historically championing school choice and breaking up teachers unions.
(C) Champion of public schools, supporter of unions, and Common Core is taken from Clintons' state education policy in Arkansas. Wants to allow college students to attend debt-free schools.
Scotus nominees
(T) Has recently
released a list of his intended appointments and supports opposing President Obama's nominee to replace Scalia.
(C) Hasn't released a list, has historically voted against (campaigned against) previous Republic appointments, indicates she will re-submit Merrick Garland.
(T) Significant immigration changes including building a wall that Mexico pays for, banning Muslim immigration, refugees are a trojan horse, among other suggestions.
(C) Supports path to citizenship and amnesty for some, extending undocumented workers' children instate tuition for college, supports assistance to refugees.
Climate change [Environment]
(T) Hasn't said much here, has previously said he doubts
man-made climate change, and some have sought to clarify his
positions based on past acts or current advisors.
(C) Has historically voted to extend environmental protections, believes in man-made climate change and seeks to stop it, supports Paris accords, and sees EPA as vital regulatory agency to protecting environment.
Expand the military
(T) Wants to "make the military great again" and expand interventionist strategy on behalf of American interests, use military to destroy ISIS, supported then opposed Iraq War II, but also cut defense spending.
(C) Apologized for pro-Iraq War vote in 2002 (kinda), would draw down military spending, has supported UN over US command decisions, continue administration plans.
(T) Wants to expand economy 6%, talks about growing US business, bringing back US jobs from overseas, provide 0% corporate tax, no minimum wage raise.
(C) Limit corporate tax benefits, use tax dollars for infrastructure improvements, wants a balanced budget, $12 minimum wage, providing incentives for corporations to grow.
(T) ISIS is major threat and refugees are trojan horses, will use military to destroy economic benefits for terrorists, aggressively pursue terrorists, not much in terms of solutions.
(C) Supports combating ISIS and protecting US by partnering with other nations, voted to extend $86 billion for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, terrorism is a multi-national threat.
On energy
(T) Opposes cap and trade, green energy needs to be more profitable quicker to work, oil is lifeblood of economy, expand drilling rights for oil.
(C) Opposes Keystone, champions green energy initiatives, cautious about nuclear power, voted against Yucca Mountain.
On Israel
(T) Sayas he can broker deal between Israel and Palestine, doesn't want to take sides with Israel in negotiations, has stated he supports Israel.
(C) Has not clarified Israel position, supported both Israel and Palestine, has supported Israel in Senate votes, says she will continue to support Israel in the White House.
Same sex marriage
(T) Has not provided much beyond stating the SCOTUS decision is reality.
(C) Supporter of same sex marriage and rights.
So that's it for these issues. There are more to discuss. Hopefully this will be a profitable thread. I honestly have no clue why I've spent the time doing this beyond the hope of fruitful interaction and personal growth. I'm still standing by my statement that, at the end of the day, the two are different sides of the same coin. Between them there are issues they disagree on, and that gulf will grow, my larger issue with Mr Trump is he doesn't have a record and has been unclear on many of these issues beyond statements. Mrs Clinton, like it or not, has a record and has policy proposals in most all of these categories.
So there we go.