Starting from Matthew 8, people approached Jesus and referred to Him in different ways.
In Matthew 8.2, a leper asked Jesus to heal him, and he called Him as “lord.” Most likely he does mean the Lord-GOD, but the word “lord” in this case simply signifies higher authority like a leader, master, or a teacher. People at that time really do not know Who the Jesus was.
The same thing happened and in other occasion when a centurion came to Him entreating Him (verse 5) and called Him “lord.”
But in verse 19, a *scribe came to Jesus, and he called Him “Teacher.” This person seems like much more educated and has seen in Christ a colleague in occupation or in trade. But still he was not aware of what kind Teacher the Christ really is.
*Scribe. A person employed to handle correspondence and to keep accounts. They were given a high place alongside the high priest. Hezekiah set up a body of men whose work it was to transcribe old records, or to put in writing what had been handed down orally (Proverbs 25.1). The scribe became known as a student and an interpreter of the Law (Nehemiah 8.1-13) (Jeremiah 36.26).
In the time of Christ, the scribes had attained great influence and power as a class and were regarded with much respect. They were given the best places at feasts and the chief seats in the synagogues (Matthew 23.5) (Luke 14.7).
The New International Dictionary of the Bible. J. D. Douglas, Merrill C. Tenney. P-723-724.
In verse 27 Disciples of Christ puzzled at Him trying to figure Him out Who he really is. In this case they said, “What kind of a man is this…”
Again, it seems like His Own students are not sure Who He is and called Him “a man.” Perhaps they thought he is some kind of magician or conjurer.
But the straight answer on this question came right out from the mouths of demons.
29. “And they cried out saying, 'What do we have to do with You Son of GOD? Have you come here to torment us before the time?”
~ 29. "Demons know Who is Jesus Christ and afraid" (Matthew 8.29) (Mark 1.34) (Luke 4.41) (James 2.19).
This is not come as a surprise, because demons are spiritual entities and they knew exactly Who the Jesus Christ is, and they called Him appropriately as the Son of GOD.
James, like no other from the writes of the Bible, explicitly described the fear of demons before the Son of GOD.
James 2.19
19. You believe that GOD is One, you do well, the demons also believe and shudder.
In Matthew 8.2, a leper asked Jesus to heal him, and he called Him as “lord.” Most likely he does mean the Lord-GOD, but the word “lord” in this case simply signifies higher authority like a leader, master, or a teacher. People at that time really do not know Who the Jesus was.
The same thing happened and in other occasion when a centurion came to Him entreating Him (verse 5) and called Him “lord.”
But in verse 19, a *scribe came to Jesus, and he called Him “Teacher.” This person seems like much more educated and has seen in Christ a colleague in occupation or in trade. But still he was not aware of what kind Teacher the Christ really is.
*Scribe. A person employed to handle correspondence and to keep accounts. They were given a high place alongside the high priest. Hezekiah set up a body of men whose work it was to transcribe old records, or to put in writing what had been handed down orally (Proverbs 25.1). The scribe became known as a student and an interpreter of the Law (Nehemiah 8.1-13) (Jeremiah 36.26).
In the time of Christ, the scribes had attained great influence and power as a class and were regarded with much respect. They were given the best places at feasts and the chief seats in the synagogues (Matthew 23.5) (Luke 14.7).
The New International Dictionary of the Bible. J. D. Douglas, Merrill C. Tenney. P-723-724.
In verse 27 Disciples of Christ puzzled at Him trying to figure Him out Who he really is. In this case they said, “What kind of a man is this…”
Again, it seems like His Own students are not sure Who He is and called Him “a man.” Perhaps they thought he is some kind of magician or conjurer.
But the straight answer on this question came right out from the mouths of demons.
29. “And they cried out saying, 'What do we have to do with You Son of GOD? Have you come here to torment us before the time?”
~ 29. "Demons know Who is Jesus Christ and afraid" (Matthew 8.29) (Mark 1.34) (Luke 4.41) (James 2.19).
This is not come as a surprise, because demons are spiritual entities and they knew exactly Who the Jesus Christ is, and they called Him appropriately as the Son of GOD.
James, like no other from the writes of the Bible, explicitly described the fear of demons before the Son of GOD.
James 2.19
19. You believe that GOD is One, you do well, the demons also believe and shudder.