Until we get out of the first wave, it will be kinda hard to have a second wave. Frankly, I am not overly concerned about this virus for me personally. Just imagine what we would find we have in our bodies if we could test for every germ imaginable.
I wear a mask in Walmart just to go along since 90% of the other people in there do.
The truth of the matter is that the USA was totally unprepared for this pandemic. The CDC under Fauci was looking into cures for racism, homophobia, and Islamophobia and not thinking about another Sars type outbreak per orders of his bosses.
As far as I know, Taiwan's 23 million people were the only nation in the world to continue working day-to-day because they were able to provide N95 masks to every man, woman, and child.
Because we kowtow to the Chinese Communists led by the new Stalin or Hitler of Xi Jinping, we are scrambling to find medicines in a will-o'-the-wisp manner when what we really need our N95 masks.
100,000 Americans will have lost their lives to politically correct science and the American people haven't a clue.