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New Member
I've just taken up photography as a hobby. It's creative and fun. I haven't got an expensive camera but at this stage that's not too important yet.

Anyone else out there? Any tips on how to progress?


Active Member
Suggestion number one. Take lots of pictures. Lots. Tons. You will eventually come out with a better ratio of bad to good photos.


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It might be helpful to read a book on composition. Also, I find that whatever art medium you are working with, it helps to see some excellent examples of it. If you flip through some good picture books, you could get some good inspiration.

Have fun :)


The Galatian

Active Member
If you're serious about getting good, find a manual camera. The "point and shoot" cameras with autofocus and autoexposure will usually give pretty good results immediately, but great pictures require you exercise your own judgement.

A great camera for this purpose is the Pentax K100. Built like a rock, good feel, and easy to use. And there are lot of inexpensive used ones out there; they used to be the standard camera for photography classes.

But you will have to learn how to focus, and adjust the shutter and aperature.

In a used bookstore, you might find "The Joy of Photography". It's a great and well-presented work on basic photography.

Is there anyone here interested in the working with older equipment like Contax, Leica, Topcon RE, etc?

Dr. Bob

Love my simple Fuji Digital. Can edit thru Adobe on the computer, then crop, brighten, etc. Got each of my three kids one for Xmas 2000 so they will take lots of pix of trips AND grandkids.

http://www.grif.net/modules.php?name=gallery has about 800 pix.

But STILL WOULD RECOMMEND A GOOD SLR 35mm for the high quality shots. Even the best digital will be of inferior quality.

Bible Believing Bill

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I got to agree with The Galatian find a copy of "The Joy of Photography".

Manual SLR 35mm is the type of camera you want. I still have my old Canon but havn't used it in years. If you begin to get serious about photography you will want to do your own darkroom work also. You can do alot of things in the darkroom and then you have total control of photos.


Dan Todd

Active Member
My wife and I enjoy the hobby of photography together. This was quite a breakthrough - as she loves candles and crafts and I do not - and I love stamps and she does not.

I took up photographer several years ago - and she wanted to use my camera - now we can't both use the same camera at the same time - so I bought a camera for her.

Now I have a Canon A2 and an EOS 3 -
She has an Elan IIe and an Elan 7e -
We have lots of lens and flashes, etc.

All to take pictures of grandchildren we don't often get to see.

Great (expensive) hobby.

I have been resisting digital - but she wants one - so we'll probably get one - most likely another Canon.


Paul of Eugene

New Member
Take tons of pictures. Throw out the bad ones. Keep the good ones. Everyone thinks you're a great photographer! I got a digital camera. Take pictures of everybody at church all the time, then show them along with announcements before church starts.