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His message was given on Fox News Channel, TBN, Christian networks and local TV stations.
“On his 95th birthday Nov. 7, the most famous Protestant evangelist of the 20th century,
Billy Graham gave what he called his final and most important message to the world …
it was much the same core message Graham has steadfastly shared for seven decades
-- the love of God for mankind, as manifested in the sacrifice of His Son on the cross,
and the resulting free gift of salvation and eternal life through individual repentance
and faith.” (Ref: The Whistleblower, Volume 22, No.12)
As you will see below, he was NOT referring to a one-time repentance and faith.
Shortly before his TV message, Graham declared in an exclusive interview with Whistleblower:
“… people need to repent of their sins, turn to God and take the narrow road that Jesus
talks about in the Bible. The narrow road means that you forsake sin and you obey God,
that you live up to the Ten Commandments and that you live up to the Sermon on the
Mount desiring to please God in everything. The narrow road is hard and it is difficult;
you can’t do that yourself. You need God’s help and that’s the reason we ask people
to come to receive Christ because when you receive Him, the Holy Spirit comes
to live within to help us live the life.” (Ref: The Whistleblower, Volume 22, No. 12)
Note: We see here basically the same technique as used in the Bible:
Initially, simple without many details.
Later, more details of what is really involved.