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PopUp Blockers


New Member
Any recommendations for PopUp Blockers?

I removed Google Toolbar, which had an integrated popup blocker, out of protest for their 'Hate' Speech interpretation that allows them to deny an ad for an anti-Gay Biblical Site but keep Porn Ads on the system...


Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
Originally posted by Gershom:
How 'bout Netscape 7.1? Anyone using it?
Oh, I tried that horrid RAM-hog of a browser...then went immediately to Firefox!


Active Member
I've had no problems with Netscape. I've been using it for awhile. No pop-ups and it does have tabbed browsing which is really convenient. Does it use alot of memory?

Maybe I should give Firefox a try. I'm afraid of change, though.


Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
Firefox has no pop-ups and also has tabbed browsing. You may want to give it a try. It doesn't have all the AIM stuff or any of the extra junk netscape has, so it runs much more quickly.


Site Supporter
I use Opera 7.50 and 7.52 and don't have any pop-ups bothering me at all. Opera comes with a wonderful pop-up stopper!!

here are some pop-up stoppers I use below hyper-linked

"Pop-Up Stopper Free Edition"

"12Ghosts Popup-Killer"

I personally use those two Pop-up Stoppers above and they work great on stopping pop-ups if you're using IE.

With Opera, I don't need a pop-up stopper the free downloads come with it installed already!! :D

Blessings, \o/


Site Supporter
Originally posted by StefanM:
Firefox has no pop-ups and also has tabbed browsing. You may want to give it a try. It doesn't have all the AIM stuff or any of the extra junk netscape has, so it runs much more quickly.
Opera has very simular to Firefox, however I love Opera much better.

hmmmmm, I have two of Kristi Ann's Haven open, one Christian BBS and the Baptist Board, Google and 12 Ghosts pop-up stopper open in one window with my Opera 7.50. I can minimize them too in the same window and open more if I want too. ;D

I have My Opera 7.52 running and I also have two of my website open Kristi Ann's Haven, plus C.H. Spurgeon page open, KristiAnn's Photobucket account, My Yahoo Email, GIF Works, and someother news source.

In both of my Opera's 7.50 and 7.52 I have 13 webpages open all in two Opera Windows. I can minimize any of the pages and open more if I want to. :D

Try all Options, there are a lot of different browsers out there. Use the ones you're most comfortable with. Our choices vary because of what we each prefer.

Blessings, \o/

[ August 18, 2004, 07:30 PM: Message edited by: MsGuidedAngel ]


<img src =/6412.jpg>
Hey, Roger, did you check out the Firefox extension that Superdave posted about? It is really great.

In Christ,


New Member
I also use Opera (7.51) and no pop-ups. I also love the tabbed browsing (currently 22 open) and what I think is just so clever is the right-click, slide left to go back and right-click, slide right to go forward. I actually find myself doing this in other SW -- to no avail of course
Firefox also has an extension to do this as well.
I also like the fact that I can close up opera and when I open it next time, all the tabs open right back up to where I was... way cool! :cool: