It thoroughly disgusts me to watch the animals run wild over the streets of Portland, looting businesses while stealing new material carried by the store.
I wanted this post to be a forum where believers could voice their opinion and suggestions as to what you would do if this was your city? This scenario can also be applied to Seattle, which is under-siege by liberal, leftist radicals.
Let's use the forum to discuss real ideas as to what should be done in order to bring an end to radial, leftist Trump haters.
SOUND OFF BELIEVERS. i t my hope that some of these anti-American baddies find the Bapptist Board Forum and actually read your comments.
I wanted this post to be a forum where believers could voice their opinion and suggestions as to what you would do if this was your city? This scenario can also be applied to Seattle, which is under-siege by liberal, leftist radicals.
Let's use the forum to discuss real ideas as to what should be done in order to bring an end to radial, leftist Trump haters.
SOUND OFF BELIEVERS. i t my hope that some of these anti-American baddies find the Bapptist Board Forum and actually read your comments.