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President's Day info

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by Van, Feb 19, 2024.

  1. Van

    Van Well-Known Member
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    Mar 4, 2011
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    As most have observed, Mr. Trump is the most maligned President by the Democrats in memory. However, Mr. Trump is not the most maligned President in history, that honor goes to Mr. Lincoln.

    Mr. Lincoln's election initiated the Civil War, as several southren states declared they were no longer part of the Union. So, Mr. Lincoln took action to "preserve the Union" but after Gettysburg, the action became a war of emancipation.

    Abe was called an "N" word lover. An ape. Not sure but some may have called his a low down Yankee liar. He wanted to unite the country, but he Democrats wanted to divide the country, half slave and half free.

    The promise of the Declaration, that all men were created equal actually applied to white men and not women, no matter the color of their skin. That wrong was corrected for non-white men shortly after the Civil War, but women were not allowed to vote until the 1920"s.