This is one of my favorite stories. I first heard it from Wendell Ford, former governor and senator from Kentucky (and a Baptist).
A faithful member went to his new pastor. "Pastor, I'll do anything you need me to do in the church, except one thing. Please don't ever call on me to pray publicly. The thought terrifies me."
The new pastor acceded to the request, but stewed about it. And he had an idea. He went to the member with his suggestion.
"Brother John, your fear of praying in public has been on my mind, and I'd like to help you overcome that fear. So here's what I've done. I've written a short prayer on this card. Next Sunday, you stick this card inside your hat-band, I'll call on you to pray, and when everybody's head is bowed and eyes are closed, you get that card out of your hat-band and read it, and nobody will ever know the difference."
"Well, pastor, I believe I'll give that a try."
Sunday morning, choir walks in, sings the Call to Worship, the congregation stands and sings a hymn. The pastor walks to the pulpit and says, "I'd like to ask Brother John to lead us in prayer."
Heads bowed, eyes closed. Brother John says "Dear Heavenly Father..........uh, this ain't my hat."