KenH said:
Of course not.
However, there are lots of other issues to consider.
Let me ask you this. If a candidate agreed to eliminate all abortions immediately if you and all Americans would agree to give up all of your liberties(including the freedom to worship) and install him as a dictator, would you agree to this? Why or why not?
If you say "no" then abortion may not be as important to you as you seem to make it.
If you'll let me modify the question slightly, I will give an answer. In your scenario, if I could be guaranteed that the abortions would end, rather than just a promise from another lying politician, the answer is yes; I'd give up my freedom and yours to prevent the murders of 1.3 children a year.
There are many reasons as to why, and I don't want to discuss them all publicly or hijack this thread, but here are some of them. One answer is that the price of these freedoms we so cherish in this country has been toleration of the greatest evil that ever entered the heart of man. Such things as wholesale slaughter of millions of children, state recognition of false religions that openly deny Christ and persecute His people, and removal of Christ and His Word from public life, and even removal of the right to acknowledge Him in many schools and government institutions. Another is that I am to give to the poor and helpless whatever I am able, whatever God has granted me to give, whatever they need, and if I have to, I will give my freedoms for their lives, even my ("my" referring to association, not ownership; I do not own myself) life for their lives.
The obligations and rights in Scripture, placed upon and given to us by God, usurp the rights of any government; I will, for example, worship whether it is legal or not, and no one can stop me. Indeed, they would be hard-pressed to even detect it if I did it silently in my heart--a form of praise every bit as meaningful to me (actually moreso to me personally) as singing and clapping in an expensive church building. Christianity prospers under persecution. Though I have no proof, I think you'll find far less toleration of abortion and other evils in societies where Christians are persecuted than in our, imo, largely spoiled Christian churches where toleration of evil is creeping up on many.
While I am not arguing that a dictatorship is as preferable a form of government as democracy, it doesn't have to be horrible; it depends on, for example whether the dictator is a Godly man. It can be very good, as with the Godly kings in history and Scripture. Or it can be very bad. Democracy, imo, has a stabilizing affect, limiting the good and some of the bad both, but guaranteeing a strong element of evil in a society, since the majority of people are not men and women of God.
I agree with you that there are lots of issues to consider, but the murder of children is of far, far more importance than whether the government raises our taxes, can listen to our phone calls, or whether illegal aliens have a path to citizenship. I believe the only issues that are in the same league as abortion are things like severe persecution of the church or establishment of an ungodly state religion, etc.