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Problem with Quicktime Movie format.

Ingo Breuer

I have a Kodak Z650 digital camera which lets you record video in the .mov (Quicktime Movie) format. Recently I noticed that I can't move, rename or delete .mov files. Only when I uninstall the Quicktime player am I able to move, rename or delete .mov files. But then I am not able to view these files. When I try to delete, rename or move a .mov file I get the following error message: "It is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that might be using this file and try again." I am not aware of any other program running. I have turned off anything I am aware of.

1. What must I do to be able to view, rename, delete or move .mov-files?

To be honest, I am not satisfied with the .mov format. I wished my Kodak digital camera would record .avi because that can directly be processed with Windows Movie Maker.

2. Is anybody aware of a free movie editor that can handle .mov?

Apple offers the Quicktime Pro software for about 20 or 30 dollars. Would that program enable me to create movies and slideshows from .mov, .wmv, .avi and .jpg files. Does Quicktime Pro offer the ease of Windows Movie Maker. I would like to know more about the video editing capabilities of Quicktime Pro before making a purchase.

Thank you for any information.


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I don't do QuickTime. I have a real hangup about being forced to use proprietary formats. I use QuickTime Alternative instead of Apple's version and all the extra baggage it comes with.

I didn't look for ways to rename .mov files, but I did find a couple of programs to convert them. One is DVDFlick and another is Quick Media Converter. Both are freeware.


New Member
I use VLC Media Player for all my video formats, and Media Player Classic for all my audio formats. VLC will play just about anything (including audio), but I just don't like the way it handles playlists, so it's not great for music.

If you have problems with locked files, a good utility to unlock them is "Unlocker" (easy to remember). http://ccollomb.free.fr/unlocker/unlocker1.8.7.exe

The installer includes an option to add an eBay shortcut to your desktop. Just uncheck it. Aside from that, it's adware/spware free. If you install the assistant, it will intercept locked files when you get an error, and will ask you what you wanted to do with the file. Overall, it's a fairly spiffy little program.