Yes, we should take this flippantly, with levity, and lightly, afterall it's only an "follow me instruction." I mean, following Him isn't that important, right.
Um, no, not quite my friend.
Nothing about following Him in baptism at salvation is a burden. Any person who thought their baptism was any type of burden for doing so has some serious spiritual problems
Back in the 1970's I was in a revival service. The one speaking told of having drove up on an auto accident in his younger years (1950's) only to find a man laying in the road in extreme bad shape as a result of said accident.
After looking at him for a moment he decided the man probably would not live so he began to witness to him telling him of his need to accept Jesus. He did, according to the Preacher and within minutes he passed away.
Poor guy! As a result, he didn't get baptized; wasn't able to take communion; wasn't able to speak in gibberish; wasn't able to tithe, missed the washing of feet and never made it to the first preaching service.
I would assume said preacher that night told the truth. I don't know. So what about this guy? Did he die and go to hell? Or did Jesus keep His word and that man found himself in paradise that night?
Other than his injuries from the car accident he suffered no burden what-so-ever.
As for my baptism I never considered it a burden to me. For someone to tell me that I "must" be baptized within certain hours, days, weeks of accepting Christ is a burden. Maybe I'll need to overcome my broken leg before I can get baptized.