Really? So that's what you would tell me? Just a glib "I don't have time to be bothered with you, just go look at Acts 2:38"?
What do I need to repent of? Is that really all I need to do?
Are you really that dense? You asked the question JDF...
how I can be saved?
St. Peter began his sermon in Acts 2:14...which focused on two prophetic themes...(1)the promise of the Holy Spirit (verses 14-21) and (2)the Resurrection of Christ (verses 22-40). This Pattern of showing the OT prophecy being fulfilled in Christ is the central means by which the Apostles preached the gospel.
This method of preaching led the multitude being
cut to the heart, because they understood and had been prepared by the OT...over half of St. Peter's message is a quotation of OT Scripture...the evidence that Jesus Christ fulfills these prophecies is overwhelming to them.
The multitude then asks in verse 37...
what shall we do?
St. Peter's answer defines Christian life within the Church...We must (1) Repent, (2) be baptized, and (3) receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
The Orthodox Church reflects this way of life. Catechumens first repent, confess their sins (I or anyone else can't tell you what to repent of, but I'm sure you know your sins better than anyone else) and renounce the devil. Second they are baptized by immersion. Third, they are given the gift of the Holy Spirit through chrismation.
There's your answer in Acts 2 in black and white...and that is a pretty straightforward rendering of Holy Scripture that my 8 year old can understand...