This is from an Australian report.
As always, I hope these predictions prove wrong. If we've learned anything these past couple months, it's that scientists and researchers make lousy prophets.
But what concerns me, however, is, viruses have relatively short reigns of terror, while economic depressions do not. To add to this, our blue state leaders see a bad economy as their only hope in removing Trump.
Report: Suicide Rise from Lockdowns to Kill More than Coronavirus in Australia
The rise in the suicide rate caused by lockdowns in Australia is predicted to exceed deaths from the Wuhan coronavirus by a factor of ten, the Australian reported Thursday.
Researchers from Sydney University’s Brain and Mind Centre forecast a 50 percent rise in the national suicide rate because of the economic and social impact of government responses to the virus, which would drive deaths to as much as ten times higher than those causes by the coronavirus itself.
Already this year global deaths by suicide are significantly higher than those attributed to the coronavirus. According to the respected Worldometers running tallies, there have already been 374,225 suicides since the start of 2020, whereas the Wuhan coronavirus has claimed 251,898 lives, Johns Hopkins University reveals.
If the Australian research holds up for other nations as well, the global suicide rate could end up far outpacing the death toll from COVID-19.
The rise in the suicide rate caused by lockdowns in Australia is predicted to exceed deaths from the Wuhan coronavirus by a factor of ten, the Australian reported Thursday.
Researchers from Sydney University’s Brain and Mind Centre forecast a 50 percent rise in the national suicide rate because of the economic and social impact of government responses to the virus, which would drive deaths to as much as ten times higher than those causes by the coronavirus itself.
Already this year global deaths by suicide are significantly higher than those attributed to the coronavirus. According to the respected Worldometers running tallies, there have already been 374,225 suicides since the start of 2020, whereas the Wuhan coronavirus has claimed 251,898 lives, Johns Hopkins University reveals.
If the Australian research holds up for other nations as well, the global suicide rate could end up far outpacing the death toll from COVID-19.
As always, I hope these predictions prove wrong. If we've learned anything these past couple months, it's that scientists and researchers make lousy prophets.
But what concerns me, however, is, viruses have relatively short reigns of terror, while economic depressions do not. To add to this, our blue state leaders see a bad economy as their only hope in removing Trump.