2024? Problem is that there probably won't be 2 parties after this massive fraud. Trump's Presidency has proven once and for all that without the globalist's backing the presidency holds no power in this bought and paid-for DC swamp.
As with every social revolution in the past, the revolutionaries will purge all political rivals. The big difference this time is that it will be worldwide occurring in all western, industrialized nations and it will not stop there, Satan's true goal are the saints but they are harder to find these days. The political-religious are everywhere and most will acquiesce to save their lives down here. All Satan needs is to remove Trump and national sovereignty from the world's mindset. That alone is the reason Satan's socioeconomic systems have all been arrayed against national sovereignty (Trump) since 2015.
You didn't think that this multi-pronged, multi-national election theft effort was just so that these incompetent leftist politicians could have more self esteem and taxpayer money, did you? No, friends, this is far bigger than just America. America under Trump was the roadblock for Satan. It became obvious two years ago that the globalist's financing the left would steal all branches of government. Once they secure the senate using the same theft tactics they did with Trump they will no doubt then pack the supreme court and add DC and PR as states with leftist senators and congressman. It will be one party rule from that moment until the end. That one party will become global and be renamed I am guessing, the "name" is yet to be disclosed. America will be removed from world power (lion whose eagle's wings were plucked).
I wonder if the prince of the covenant (Abraham Accords) will be welcomed into the new Harris administration after of course Biden is removed neither in anger nor in battle? I also wonder if Satan's marionette Obama will reappear in this new administration somehow, someway.
Then the beast will have his one world government. Remember that preaching from the old days? Probably not but it used to be the one thing agreed upon in Scripture that would usher in the beast to world power. Now however, the harlot denominations are silent!
Food for thought.....whether in a year or 5 or more, this is where this is all going IMO.
PS: when the bloodshed starts (whether civil war or the purge), do not take up arms, you will condemn yourselves along with them (i.e. you were deceived but never Born Again). Remember Christ's teachings, this is the patience and the faith of the saints. God will recompense for us soon enough.
Come out from the harlots under the Mother's influence and really prepare yourselves:
Bread of Life