To begin with ... let me be one the first to wish you all a very happy and blessed new year!
With that said ... can I impose and ask what you are praying for help to do differently in the new year? I was never big on the resolution thing because like a wise, person once said, the first thing to be broken after the turn of the year is your resolution(s).
Still, we all have things we want to change in order to honor God better, and to be a better witness for the God who gave HIs Son to die for us!
So what has God been laying on your heart that you are going to let Him work with you o changing?
Let me remind you of a verse from Exodus 23:30, "I will drive them out before you little by little, until you become fruitful and take possession of the land."
That verse reminds me that God sometimes gives us the land little-by-little, and when it comes to changing bad habits or developing new ones that please Him, sometimes it is better to claim this verse and succeed than go for it all in one fell swoop!
God bless you in the new year, and I am praying you are successful in 2015 like never before!

With that said ... can I impose and ask what you are praying for help to do differently in the new year? I was never big on the resolution thing because like a wise, person once said, the first thing to be broken after the turn of the year is your resolution(s).
Still, we all have things we want to change in order to honor God better, and to be a better witness for the God who gave HIs Son to die for us!
So what has God been laying on your heart that you are going to let Him work with you o changing?
Let me remind you of a verse from Exodus 23:30, "I will drive them out before you little by little, until you become fruitful and take possession of the land."
That verse reminds me that God sometimes gives us the land little-by-little, and when it comes to changing bad habits or developing new ones that please Him, sometimes it is better to claim this verse and succeed than go for it all in one fell swoop!
God bless you in the new year, and I am praying you are successful in 2015 like never before!
What are your resolutions or goals for 2015? Mine is to love Him more, and in turn be able to love others, especially those who don't love me, with more unconditional love, like He shows to me! :jesus: