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Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by Alex2165, May 18, 2024.

  1. Alex2165

    Alex2165 Active Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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    Seeking Christ

    Acts 20.25-27

    26. "I am innocent of the blood of all men." This means that all of Paul's ministry that the Lord commanded Paul to do, Paul fulfills entirely. Throughout his ministry Paul teach, taught, and warned people, Jews and Gentile alike concerning Christ's coming, GOD'S justice, and about upcoming future.

    So, whoever listen and believed Paul destined to salvation, but whoever did not listen, did not believed and resisted the message of GOD preaching by Paul, destined to perish.

    This is very similar to all other prophets before Paul who are also received from GOD the order to teach and prophesy, to save people from their demise and to turn them to GOD and to His salvation (Ezekiel 3.17-21).

    Indeed, knowing about upcoming disaster and not warn people about it, in the eyes of GOD is the same as to do harm to people yourself, so, the blood (death) of the people will be on the conscience of those who knew about upcoming disaster but did not waned people in the eyes of GOD will be as a killer. Such people no less than real criminals and will bear the guilt and receive appropriate punishment for those who did perish without proper warning.

    In more simple terms it means that those who have a chance to save lives by warning them but did warned them, such people will lose their own life.

    Those who warned people and save their lives fulfilled the will of GOD and by doing this will save their own lives, they certainly will be rewarded.


    Acts 20.28-30

    Here Paul, as many other prophets and Jesus Christ before him, predicted of the corruption of the church that will turn from Christ's teachings and His Gospel to their own devices, traditions, rituals, creeds, doctrines, laws, and rules.

    On this subject Paul issued his own warning and recommended to be constantly on guard and full alert from "savage wolves" who will penetrate the church and turn it to corrupt institution that will teach and conduct perverse and godless things, and will turn many away from Christ and His teachings.

    Warned by Prophets: (Micah 3.11) (Isaiah 56.11) (Jeremiah 10.21) (Jeremiah 12.10-11, 23.1).

    Warned by Peter (2Peter 2.3.14).

    Warned by Jesus Christ when He talk about Good and Hired Shepherds (John 10.1-16).


    Acts 20.33-35

    This is the perfect example that the Paul set for all who call themselves as Christians. First, Paul declared that he did not charge anyone for anything, not for preaching, not for teaching, not for traveling expenses, not for any serves. This means Paul did not profit from anyone, but always had been self-sufficient and self-supportive man (v 33).

    Paul also declared that he supported himself by his own hands, doing physical work, and make his honest living and never depended on anyone, but even managed support not only himself but also and his companions (v 34).

    What better example of a true Christian can be than this revealing of Paul who combined his ministry propagating the Gospel and at the same time supported himself and even his companions?

    I remember that number of people argued with me on this issue and tried to convince me that for today's teacher, priests, and pastors this is impossible because they are so "busy" they have no time to support themselves but must make their living on the church salary.

    Jesus Christ also made His own living and had trade skills, He worked as a carpenter (Mark 6.3). When he went on the mission He stop His professional trade and supported Himself and His Apostles by number of different things. Christ also accepted monetary donations and even out of this monetary donation most of it spend on the poor and needy.

    Christ never was on any kind of payroll, nor His Apostles or any Prophet of GOD for that matter, but all people of GOD supported themselves by their own labor and never received any monetary payments for prophesying or spreading GOSPEL in the Name of Christ.

    Christ will judge every teacher and will issue His Own Verdict on them, particularly on those "shepherds" who are hired to shepherd the GOD'S flock (John 10.12-14).

    Christ accepted donation, not pay, from some wealthy women (Luke 8.3) and His other supporters (Mark 15.41), but most of His donations He collected He had given to the poor (John 12.4-6, 13.29) and the rest used for His disciples needs, mostly for food (Feeding thousands with some bread and fish (Matthew 14.13-21, 15.32-39) (Mark 6.30-44, 8.1-9) (Luke 9.10-17) (John 6.1-15).

    Main support for Christ and His disciples was in the form of food and shelter, particularly at the time when He sent His students on the mission and commanded them not to take anything with them (Matthew 10.10-11.42) (Mark 6.8-11) (Luke 10.1-8, 22.24-27.35-36).

    In verse 35 Paul also make emphasis on weak and needy saying, "you must help the weak," revealing at the same time the meaning of the Words of Christ, "It is more blessed to give than to received." (Acts 20.33-35) (Luke 6.38, 14.14). These words is the core meaning and fundamental base of which the true Christian life is build upon.

    It is shameful for a true Christian to live at the expense of others under any circumstances while fully capable to provide for yourself.

    ~ Paul's profession and his works to support himself and others: (Acts 18.1-3, 20.33-35, 28.30-31) (1Thessalonians 4.11-12) (2Thessalonians 3.6-12).

    ~ Teaching for monetary gain: (Micah 3.11) (Acts 20.33-35) (2Corinthians 2.17) (John 10.1-12-13-16) (1Timothy 6.3-5) (Titus 1.10-11-16) (1Peter 5.2-4).