"Yates, a career prosecutor until Barack Obama tapped her to be the No. 2 at the Justice Department,
recalled the questions the White House counsel had about Flynn: Why did DOJ care? Would DOJ pursue a criminal case? Wouldn’t taking action against Flynn interfere with an investigation? And could he see the evidence?" (Washington Post By
Dana Milbank Opinion writer May 8 at 7:20 PM}
Interesting questions posed to Yates....although her "answers" to the questions would have provided some relevance to her "recollection", which without such "answers" is simply irrelevant wasted column space.
Sally Yates and the Trump-Russia Probe ~
Hot Air! Sally was miffed when no one dropped everything and placed a feather in her cap, for her calling a top priority meeting, for "her to whisper her supposed secret news" and "opinion thereof".
She had previously told the Trump campaign that security advisor Michael Flynn
may have left himself vulnerable to blackmail attempts from Moscow after lying about conversations with the
Russian Ambassador to Washington.
The Independent
Yaba Daba do ~ Flynn had conversations with the "Russian Ambassador" about what? Russian Vodka?
Russian weather? American accommodations and comfortable office chairs? Russian likes about Trump? And?
Yates felt Flynn "MAY HAVE left himself vulnerable to blackmail attempts".....AND? How does Yates know Flynn's weaknesses to blackmail? AND? Without attempted "blackmail", why is her opinion relevant?
Yates lack of professionalism....