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Humans began to organize into cities shortly after the flood. These units of human habitation were formed for the purpose of self-government apart from the Lord's providence and direction. [Genesis 11:1-9]
The units included a king, government, political structure, offensive and defensive military, and cultural, economic, and false religious systems.
Further development led to larger city/states which eventually grew into the size of empires, usually through conquests and various alliances.
The symbolic terms used to describe this organization are Mystery Babylon the Great, the "woman", the "great city part", and all of the other cities in the world. [Revelation 17, 18]
She is the nucleus of the 7 heads [dominions] of the beast of Revelation 13 and 17, and her existence and influence will be worldwide at the time of the end. [Revelation 17:15]
She is the symbol and sum total of all organized unsaved humanity that has separated from the Lord for the purpose of avoiding His rule. She behaves in ways that are self-deceiving and this effect is spread throughout her presence. [Revelation 17, 18]
Her great city part [civilization] is dominating and is connected economically with all of her other cities in the world at the time of the end. [Revelation 17:15-18]
The Lord is totally against this type of organizational behavior since it tends to separate humans from Him. This can prohibit the necessary relationship humans must have with Him in order to insure their eternal life and future.
Israel and the Gentiles have both gone their way of self-determination without Him and this will always result in total failure.
Satan directly exploits this organizational behavior of humanity in many different ways. His objective is the destruction of human existence in one way or another and to place himself above the Lord as ruler of the earth.
Satan does this by his own direct involvement as described in Revelation 12. He also includes the agency of two other significant fallen angelics at the time of the end.
These are Abaddon-Apollyon, the first beast of Revelation 13 and 17, and the false prophet, the second beast of Revelation 13.
The symbolic beasts describing four different successive Middle Eastern dominions [kingdoms, empires] and associated king positions in Daniel's vision include four symbolic animal beasts, not angelic beasts. [Daniel 7]
Abaddon-Apollyon's focus is on the human kings who occupy the "position" of the king ruling over a kingdom of humans. He has influenced the kings of his past 5 Middle Eastern dominions through subordinate angelic princes, and will do this directly through the little horn/beast. [Daniel 7:7, 8:9; 11:36-45; Revelation 13:1, 17:8]
Examples of these kings of the ancient past were Sargon, Senacherib, Nebuchadnezzar, Darius, Cyrus, Alexander the Great, and Antiochus IV. Many kings filled the king positions of the ancient empires of the Middle East.
A dominion, head, or mountain describes the geographical extent of the human king's control over city/states, nations, and empires. [Daniel 2:36-38, 2:44-45; Revelation 13:1, 13:3, 17:7-13]
The king "position" is the symbolic position of the king, and is not used exclusively in reference to any particular human king. [Revelation 17:9-10, 17:12]
Satan's strategy for the time of the end will include Abaddon-Apollyon, the false prophet, and 11 contemporary human kings. The symbol of the horn is used to describe a human king who is linked to satanic influence.
The little horn of Daniel's visions will be ruling the sixth "smaller" dominion at the beginning of the 70th week [the Lord's coming hour of trial]. He will expand the sixth into the seventh which will include the other ten horns [kings]. His power and authority will come from satan and Abaddon-Apollyon.
The ten kings that share power with the little horn are the same kings associated with Daniel's fourth animal beast and the seventh head of the beast in Revelation 13 and 17.
Three of the 10 kings will be overthrown and replaced by the little horn. These will then rule the divided kingdom of iron and clay with the little horn. [Daniel 7:24; Revelation 17:12-14]
The initial set of these ten kings will exist in the Middle East at the beginning of the 70th week decreed for Israel. The little horn will appear among them and those of his choosing will rule with him. [Daniel 7:7, 7:24]
The little horn will remove and replace three of these kings in the process of consolidating his Middle Eastern dominion. [Daniel 7:8; Revelation 17:12-18]
He will be incarnated by Abaddon-Apollyon and will rule the seventh dominion of iron and clay. Abaddon-Apollyon and the final set of ten will be challenged by the Lord and destroyed at Armageddon. [Revelation 17:11, 19:11-20]
Satan's strategy will also include his false prophet whose mission will be to lead the cult of Abaddon-Apollyon and offset the two witnesses [prophets] that the Lord will send to Israel during the 70th week decreed for the nation. [Revelation 13:11-18]
This beast is another fallen angel like Abaddon-Apollyon who will incarnate two human religious leaders [two horns]. The primary characteristic of this creature is that he acts like a lamb [a religion of "peace"], but speaks like a dragon.
His promotion of the cult religion of the first beast as a god is related to a religion that appears to be one of peace .... but the preaching and actions will be satanic.
This religion will be represented as peaceful, but will actually incorporate hatred and destruction toward those who will not submit to its doctrines. [Revelation 13:15-17]
These two religious leaders will appear in the land of Israel during the time of Israel's occupation by the little horn and his followers. [Revelation 13:11]
They will direct attention to the first beast, Abaddon-Apollyon, who will be incarnated in the little horn, as the eighth and final king of the Gentiles.
The Lord will use the little horn and the ten other kings (horns) to destroy the great city part of Mystery Babylon the Great in one day and this will take place shortly after the beginning of the 70th week [the tribulation period]. [Revelation 17:16-18]
MBG's great city part will not be located in the Middle East where the little horn will have his base of operations. This great city [civilization] of the Gentiles [nations] will have a significant worldwide influence with regard to commerce and culture. [Revelation 18]
Once out of the way, the little horn will begin to form and rule his seventh dominion which will include the conquering of the Middle East and the invasion and occupation of the land of Israel. [Daniel 8:9, 11:41]
The Lord will then direct His wrath against satan, Abaddon-Apollyon, the little horn and his followers. This will lead to their destruction at the battle of Armageddon. [Revelation 14:9-11, 16:2, 16:10, 16:12].
The units included a king, government, political structure, offensive and defensive military, and cultural, economic, and false religious systems.
Further development led to larger city/states which eventually grew into the size of empires, usually through conquests and various alliances.
The symbolic terms used to describe this organization are Mystery Babylon the Great, the "woman", the "great city part", and all of the other cities in the world. [Revelation 17, 18]
She is the nucleus of the 7 heads [dominions] of the beast of Revelation 13 and 17, and her existence and influence will be worldwide at the time of the end. [Revelation 17:15]
She is the symbol and sum total of all organized unsaved humanity that has separated from the Lord for the purpose of avoiding His rule. She behaves in ways that are self-deceiving and this effect is spread throughout her presence. [Revelation 17, 18]
Her great city part [civilization] is dominating and is connected economically with all of her other cities in the world at the time of the end. [Revelation 17:15-18]
The Lord is totally against this type of organizational behavior since it tends to separate humans from Him. This can prohibit the necessary relationship humans must have with Him in order to insure their eternal life and future.
Israel and the Gentiles have both gone their way of self-determination without Him and this will always result in total failure.
Satan directly exploits this organizational behavior of humanity in many different ways. His objective is the destruction of human existence in one way or another and to place himself above the Lord as ruler of the earth.
Satan does this by his own direct involvement as described in Revelation 12. He also includes the agency of two other significant fallen angelics at the time of the end.
These are Abaddon-Apollyon, the first beast of Revelation 13 and 17, and the false prophet, the second beast of Revelation 13.
The symbolic beasts describing four different successive Middle Eastern dominions [kingdoms, empires] and associated king positions in Daniel's vision include four symbolic animal beasts, not angelic beasts. [Daniel 7]
Abaddon-Apollyon's focus is on the human kings who occupy the "position" of the king ruling over a kingdom of humans. He has influenced the kings of his past 5 Middle Eastern dominions through subordinate angelic princes, and will do this directly through the little horn/beast. [Daniel 7:7, 8:9; 11:36-45; Revelation 13:1, 17:8]
Examples of these kings of the ancient past were Sargon, Senacherib, Nebuchadnezzar, Darius, Cyrus, Alexander the Great, and Antiochus IV. Many kings filled the king positions of the ancient empires of the Middle East.
A dominion, head, or mountain describes the geographical extent of the human king's control over city/states, nations, and empires. [Daniel 2:36-38, 2:44-45; Revelation 13:1, 13:3, 17:7-13]
The king "position" is the symbolic position of the king, and is not used exclusively in reference to any particular human king. [Revelation 17:9-10, 17:12]
Satan's strategy for the time of the end will include Abaddon-Apollyon, the false prophet, and 11 contemporary human kings. The symbol of the horn is used to describe a human king who is linked to satanic influence.
The little horn of Daniel's visions will be ruling the sixth "smaller" dominion at the beginning of the 70th week [the Lord's coming hour of trial]. He will expand the sixth into the seventh which will include the other ten horns [kings]. His power and authority will come from satan and Abaddon-Apollyon.
The ten kings that share power with the little horn are the same kings associated with Daniel's fourth animal beast and the seventh head of the beast in Revelation 13 and 17.
Three of the 10 kings will be overthrown and replaced by the little horn. These will then rule the divided kingdom of iron and clay with the little horn. [Daniel 7:24; Revelation 17:12-14]
The initial set of these ten kings will exist in the Middle East at the beginning of the 70th week decreed for Israel. The little horn will appear among them and those of his choosing will rule with him. [Daniel 7:7, 7:24]
The little horn will remove and replace three of these kings in the process of consolidating his Middle Eastern dominion. [Daniel 7:8; Revelation 17:12-18]
He will be incarnated by Abaddon-Apollyon and will rule the seventh dominion of iron and clay. Abaddon-Apollyon and the final set of ten will be challenged by the Lord and destroyed at Armageddon. [Revelation 17:11, 19:11-20]
Satan's strategy will also include his false prophet whose mission will be to lead the cult of Abaddon-Apollyon and offset the two witnesses [prophets] that the Lord will send to Israel during the 70th week decreed for the nation. [Revelation 13:11-18]
This beast is another fallen angel like Abaddon-Apollyon who will incarnate two human religious leaders [two horns]. The primary characteristic of this creature is that he acts like a lamb [a religion of "peace"], but speaks like a dragon.
His promotion of the cult religion of the first beast as a god is related to a religion that appears to be one of peace .... but the preaching and actions will be satanic.
This religion will be represented as peaceful, but will actually incorporate hatred and destruction toward those who will not submit to its doctrines. [Revelation 13:15-17]
These two religious leaders will appear in the land of Israel during the time of Israel's occupation by the little horn and his followers. [Revelation 13:11]
They will direct attention to the first beast, Abaddon-Apollyon, who will be incarnated in the little horn, as the eighth and final king of the Gentiles.
The Lord will use the little horn and the ten other kings (horns) to destroy the great city part of Mystery Babylon the Great in one day and this will take place shortly after the beginning of the 70th week [the tribulation period]. [Revelation 17:16-18]
MBG's great city part will not be located in the Middle East where the little horn will have his base of operations. This great city [civilization] of the Gentiles [nations] will have a significant worldwide influence with regard to commerce and culture. [Revelation 18]
Once out of the way, the little horn will begin to form and rule his seventh dominion which will include the conquering of the Middle East and the invasion and occupation of the land of Israel. [Daniel 8:9, 11:41]
The Lord will then direct His wrath against satan, Abaddon-Apollyon, the little horn and his followers. This will lead to their destruction at the battle of Armageddon. [Revelation 14:9-11, 16:2, 16:10, 16:12].