Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters issued “social justice” and “black liberation” demands regarding “diversity” to a restaurant owner in Louisville, KY, including a directive for “donations” to organizations run by non-whites.
Listed demands from a BLM affiliate in Louisville include racial quotas for staff and ownership of business suppliers, donations to organizations run by non-whites, and adjustment to dress codes. The posters used the acronym “BIPOC” (“black or indigenous persons of color”) as a euphemism for non-white persons:
23% of Staff is BIPOC in Front of House
23% of inventory is from BIPOC retailer(s)
Regular donations to BIPOC organization
Dress code policy does not discriminate against BIPOC patrons of employees.
Shakedown: BLM Demands Protection Fees from Louisville Business
Listed demands from a BLM affiliate in Louisville include racial quotas for staff and ownership of business suppliers, donations to organizations run by non-whites, and adjustment to dress codes. The posters used the acronym “BIPOC” (“black or indigenous persons of color”) as a euphemism for non-white persons:
23% of Staff is BIPOC in Front of House
23% of inventory is from BIPOC retailer(s)
Regular donations to BIPOC organization
Dress code policy does not discriminate against BIPOC patrons of employees.
Shakedown: BLM Demands Protection Fees from Louisville Business