Whether he should or even will is probably a forgone conclusion ... after all, Bergdahl knows that Obama traded five high profile Gitmo prisoners to secure his release, and I am sure that Bergdahl, his attorney and family are betting the farm that Obama will.finish his handywork and good deed by granting the cowardly deserter a Presidential pardon.
Right or wrong, what are your feelings about this request as well as your thoughts about whether the coward deserves a pardon?
Whether he should or even will is probably a forgone conclusion ... after all, Bergdahl knows that Obama traded five high profile Gitmo prisoners to secure his release, and I am sure that Bergdahl, his attorney and family are betting the farm that Obama will.finish his handywork and good deed by granting the cowardly deserter a Presidential pardon.
Right or wrong, what are your feelings about this request as well as your thoughts about whether the coward deserves a pardon?