To the OP, you're asking question like that after Jesus drove out the money changers?... The church is a house of worship, you want to bet, go to the gambling house and what is a Christian doing in a gambling house anyway?
... You want to throw your money away, give it to your church, where it will do the most good... Betting in church?... Never crossed my mind in the over 50 years I've been in it... Do what you want in your church, in my church... Never!... Brother Glen
There are several different issues here.
1) Jesus drove out the money chargers
The real question is - Why did Jesus drive them out. Was it because he did not think that things should be sold?
Or was it because of the dishonest and greedy practices of the merchants?
I used to teach the Defensive Driving Course. I would often use churches as my classroom. The purpose was so that
the church could use it as a ministry - as way to greet new potential members. Several churches took the opportunity.
I went to one church to do likewise. The pastor said no because I charged money. - Okay - if that is their policy so be it.
But two things - As I was leaving that day, I noticed on the Bulletin board - the church was sponsoring a mother-daughter
dinner. The cost was only $10 a person. In addition the church used to house a Bible Institute - of which they charged
students tuition to attend classes.
So I ask: Was the church wrong to charge for the mother-daughter dinner?
Was the church wrong to charge tuition for the Bible Institute
Gambling: Suppose after I pay all my bills - I have $100 left over for "fun money"
Sure I could go to the casino and play the machines.
Or I could go to the $ store; buy Soda, candy, and other junk food to last the rest of the month
Another words what is the difference between buying soda and buying a lottery ticket?
They are both just for fun.
At the State Fair there are only two games that I play - 1) The Frog - You hit the hammer to send the (fake) frog
flying - and if it lands in the proper place - you win a prize. Well, I never won a prize - but the only reason, I played
the game - because it was fun watching that frog fly thru the air with the greatest of ease!
Was that wrong (or even a sin). But then again -I could spend the same amount of money to ride the
Ferris Wheel so I could "fly thur the air with the greatest of ease"
I go to the "Guess your weight". (within 5 pounds) The Barkers were usually 20 - 30 pounds off.
I carry my weight very well (I was - and still am- about 50 pounds overweight for US Army Standards)
Is that gambling? Was my wife wrong for accepting the prize?
You stated "give it to your church, where it will do the most good."
So are you suggesting that after you pay all your bills - you should give any leftover money to your church?
BTW - many years ago - I was one who thought that nothing should be held at a church with had a charge -