In 1 John 1:5-10, we are told, "This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and tthe truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. we make him a liar, and his word is not in us." (ESV)
Obama said something in his message while at the Dallas memorial for the five slain cops, and it made sense. He said that within al of us is racism, if we'd not be afraid to admit it!
I agree. Within my heart, there remains a form of racism, homophobia, lust, jealousy, anger, forgiveness, and a bunch of other sins against the flesh! Still, as matter of fact as these are, because I am no longer a sinner, but rather a child of God, justified by His blood and the work He did on the cross, I am daily being made more like Jesus and less like the fleshly soul and heart from which I came, and that means racism, homophobia, lust, anger, jealousy, etc., no longer rule over me or my witness of love towards others. Thus, I can agree with Mr. Obama's accusation that within all of us is racism, because the truth is, I came from a sinful background, but what he doesn't understand about born-again believers is that because of the work of the cross, I have been saved. And because of my salvation, I am now being transformed, or sanctified, which is to say that while there may still be inklings of racism, which is actually an by-product of sin; I am constantly being transformed, or changed, from within and out; and those things no longer have hold of me, nor do they control me. And should I fall back to thoughts of racism; I am quick to seek forgiveness and get back on the narrow path that I walk on daily as I move ever so close to the narrow gate and eternity with Him.
So, if you want to call me a homophobe, racist or zenophobe, or even pervert, that is up to you. And while I can't deny that those things were once who I was, those things are no longer who I am. Because, by the Grace of God above, I am now under reconstruction within by the supernatural power of the Holy Ghost, who is rearranging my body, soul and heart!
To the world, I am far from perfect; but what the world may not always realize is that while I am not perfect, I AM FORGIVEN! I certainly don't need a president laying a guilt trip on my back! I am a racist because I am a sinner, but am not a sinner because I may slip from time to time and have racist thoughts like thoughts!
I wondered if you may feel similar to what I have painted above? I do appreciate him however, as he got me to ponder the thought and see that the two, while related, do not mean this country is a bad one!
Obama said something in his message while at the Dallas memorial for the five slain cops, and it made sense. He said that within al of us is racism, if we'd not be afraid to admit it!
I agree. Within my heart, there remains a form of racism, homophobia, lust, jealousy, anger, forgiveness, and a bunch of other sins against the flesh! Still, as matter of fact as these are, because I am no longer a sinner, but rather a child of God, justified by His blood and the work He did on the cross, I am daily being made more like Jesus and less like the fleshly soul and heart from which I came, and that means racism, homophobia, lust, anger, jealousy, etc., no longer rule over me or my witness of love towards others. Thus, I can agree with Mr. Obama's accusation that within all of us is racism, because the truth is, I came from a sinful background, but what he doesn't understand about born-again believers is that because of the work of the cross, I have been saved. And because of my salvation, I am now being transformed, or sanctified, which is to say that while there may still be inklings of racism, which is actually an by-product of sin; I am constantly being transformed, or changed, from within and out; and those things no longer have hold of me, nor do they control me. And should I fall back to thoughts of racism; I am quick to seek forgiveness and get back on the narrow path that I walk on daily as I move ever so close to the narrow gate and eternity with Him.
So, if you want to call me a homophobe, racist or zenophobe, or even pervert, that is up to you. And while I can't deny that those things were once who I was, those things are no longer who I am. Because, by the Grace of God above, I am now under reconstruction within by the supernatural power of the Holy Ghost, who is rearranging my body, soul and heart!
To the world, I am far from perfect; but what the world may not always realize is that while I am not perfect, I AM FORGIVEN! I certainly don't need a president laying a guilt trip on my back! I am a racist because I am a sinner, but am not a sinner because I may slip from time to time and have racist thoughts like thoughts!
I wondered if you may feel similar to what I have painted above? I do appreciate him however, as he got me to ponder the thought and see that the two, while related, do not mean this country is a bad one!
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