Sketchy Porn Lawyer Threatens People Not To Look Into Financial Background….
"...Apparently this is in response to some research by Robert Barnes who discovered Avanetti filed for bankruptcy in December 2017, claiming total assets of $412K – and then :oof:: mysteriously three months later, at the same time he takes to the airwaves with Stormy Daniels, he comes into a windfall of $8 million. SEE STORY HERE.
Seemingly connected, a picture graphic is causing Avanetti great angst:
"...Apparently this is in response to some research by Robert Barnes who discovered Avanetti filed for bankruptcy in December 2017, claiming total assets of $412K – and then :oof:: mysteriously three months later, at the same time he takes to the airwaves with Stormy Daniels, he comes into a windfall of $8 million. SEE STORY HERE.
Seemingly connected, a picture graphic is causing Avanetti great angst: