As I watched the news story unfold, it was interesting to note that the television news crew (not on this link) went outside the park and there was merely a "handful" of Green protesters screaming and holding their signs demanding that Sea World ended their cruelty to sea creatures! I guess the whale show wasn't enough????
It is becoming a regular happening in this society where a small number, or percentage, of humanity controls what the majority of humanity wants! No matter the cause, be it gay marriage? Elephants and circuses? Zoo's and the animals on exhibit? War protests? The rebel battle flag? The minority enters the picture, stomping their feet; raising their voices; and carry signs demanding change, and society gives in, and gives away another freedom.
I am not arguing the good or bad of their causes, but it is a shame that the minority in this society has been able to reverse or change things that the majority see little problem with, like going to Sea World and enjoying shows that include sea creatures. Every time I went and observed a show, I learned things about those fish and mammals that I never knew, and it seemed to me that the fish and mammals enjoyed performing, These creatures are well cared for; loved by their trainers; and personally, I saw no harm in what was being showcased for the public to view as entertainments! Yet because the minority raised an issue and made a cause out of their view, the majority loses something they enjoyed; the things that are removed and placed upon the shelf are not always a social taboo; at least to the majority!
That is of course my opinion, and I am sure many of you would disagree! And that is surely your right. However, as for me, I will surely miss the animals when I visit the zoo or the circus! And I will surely miss a well staged whale show at Sea World the next time I visit their park!
As I watched the news story unfold, it was interesting to note that the television news crew (not on this link) went outside the park and there was merely a "handful" of Green protesters screaming and holding their signs demanding that Sea World ended their cruelty to sea creatures! I guess the whale show wasn't enough????
It is becoming a regular happening in this society where a small number, or percentage, of humanity controls what the majority of humanity wants! No matter the cause, be it gay marriage? Elephants and circuses? Zoo's and the animals on exhibit? War protests? The rebel battle flag? The minority enters the picture, stomping their feet; raising their voices; and carry signs demanding change, and society gives in, and gives away another freedom.
I am not arguing the good or bad of their causes, but it is a shame that the minority in this society has been able to reverse or change things that the majority see little problem with, like going to Sea World and enjoying shows that include sea creatures. Every time I went and observed a show, I learned things about those fish and mammals that I never knew, and it seemed to me that the fish and mammals enjoyed performing, These creatures are well cared for; loved by their trainers; and personally, I saw no harm in what was being showcased for the public to view as entertainments! Yet because the minority raised an issue and made a cause out of their view, the majority loses something they enjoyed; the things that are removed and placed upon the shelf are not always a social taboo; at least to the majority!
That is of course my opinion, and I am sure many of you would disagree! And that is surely your right. However, as for me, I will surely miss the animals when I visit the zoo or the circus! And I will surely miss a well staged whale show at Sea World the next time I visit their park!