More than anyone, I came across this article and was pleasantly surprised. Could it be the softening of the feud between the GOP elites and Trump? What are your thoughts, does this mean that the Bush brothers could be next? Stranger things have happened; I mean look at the feisty Sanders, who was going to take his battle ALL THE WAY? We know. What his all the way meant? It is a fact that most people say things out of anger, and that maybe Bernie's excuse, as well as Mitts.
So, what are your thoughts onthe Bern and Mitt? Does his comment mean that the war between Trump and the righteousness, out does Mitt waving a small with flag signal a thaw tothe big cold front within the GOP?! Orisitmerely grandstanding???
More than anyone, I came across this article and was pleasantly surprised. Could it be the softening of the feud between the GOP elites and Trump? What are your thoughts, does this mean that the Bush brothers could be next? Stranger things have happened; I mean look at the feisty Sanders, who was going to take his battle ALL THE WAY? We know. What his all the way meant? It is a fact that most people say things out of anger, and that maybe Bernie's excuse, as well as Mitts.
So, what are your thoughts onthe Bern and Mitt? Does his comment mean that the war between Trump and the righteousness, out does Mitt waving a small with flag signal a thaw tothe big cold front within the GOP?! Orisitmerely grandstanding???