I can't believe that you are posting this, CBT. Let us look at the history of Obama. His grandfather was involved with the Mau Mau. His father was a socialist who was fired from his government post for opposing the free-market government. His maternal grandparents were well-known leftists, perhaps fellow travelers. His mother was a supporter of the Sukarno dictatorship who divorced his step-father due to her opposition of a free government in Indonesia.
His mentor was Frank Marshall Davis, a card-carrying communist with roots in Chicago where he dealt with the families who are Obama's principal supporters from Chicago, where they live in the leftist Hyde Park, a silk stocking enclave in the squalor of Chicago, a city on the edge of becoming another Detroit. When he got to Occident University, he told a Marxist group that he was a Marxist.
As president, he took control of the banking system with a massive unnecessary bailout in a statist attempt to dictate their recovery from Barney Frank's forcing them to give mortgages out like candy at a teller's cage. He did the same thing to the auto industry, refusing to allow them to pay off their loans and set their own course.
Without legislative approval, he has declared that September 20, he will forbid the use of coal for the production of electricity without massive unnecessary expense. He has forbid the drilling of oil in the Gulf of Mexico and on all federal lands, causing the doubling of gasoline prices. He has refused to build a pipeline to buy Canada's oil as a sop to Warren Buffett's railroads. He has refused to allow the construction of new refineries. He squandered billions on worthless watermelon schemes--green on the outside and red on the inside.
He has promoted same-sex marriage to destroy the social fabric of society as did Russia under Stalin where marriage was almost non-existent.
He has destroyed the best healthcare system in the history of the world in order to dictate to the American people what their doctors can and cannot do.
He has advocated infanticide, and set up death panels to begin euthanasia.
His tax policies are designed to destroy private property. We have the highest corporate tax in the world, allowed by DC in order to smoother the economy and cause massive unemployment with no hope in sight.
He has withdrawn protection from our troops overseas in order to bleed them and thereby increase his power. This is shown in Libya, the loss of Iraq and the collapse of Afghanistan.
The education is heavily controlled by the Democrats and it is at the bottom of the free world in achievement and at the top in expense, most of it going to Democrat Party members.
He has used the IRS illegally to harasses the political opposition.
He has used the NSA to track the electronic activities of every single American.
He has shown ill temper whenever anyone in the press had even the slightest criticism of him, a la Hugo Chavez, and he has illegally attempted to prosecute James Rosen of Fox News.
Food prices have been kept artificially high by the burning of massive amounts of corn in the wasteful and environmentally and mechanically unsound production of ethanol to assist the Democrat bloc voters of farmers, who now are some of the richest people in the country.
HIs planning is not regional, it is national.
He has destroyed American respect overseas as evidenced by the flop of his recent grandiose speech in Berlin that attracted only a handful of street people or transients.
He has given us the longest and deepest recession since the Great Depression. He has allowed the Fed to print money by the tons in order to fund a massive debt and to prop us the unemployed so that the Democrats will not have to cut taxes and allow the economy to grow. Federal employee are now some of the highest paid people in the world and yet it is hard to think of one good thing that federal workers do.
He has consistently attacked the free expression of religion, trying to set aside the traditional freedoms given to Catholic institutions as well as trying to denigrate the freedoms and activities of Protestants. Clearly, Obama has no higher power, an earmark of a communist.
David Horowitz of Front Page Magazine has called Obama a neo-Communists. We have to reject your criteria, CBT, for what a communist does but Obama likes to pretend that he is for freedom but his actions speak louder than his words. He is constantly campaigning for gun control and told at least one fellow professor at the University of Chicago that he opposed the Bill of Rights on the private ownership of guns. On that point Obama is like the Germans who abolished private ownership of guns before World War II.
But here is part of what Horowitz said of today's Democrats:
Some years ago I made a case for characterizing the progressive, liberal left, including the organizations that form the heart of the Democratic Party — the government unions, the Soros Shadow Party, the Center for American Progress, and the Netroots activists – as “neo-Communists.” I made the argument for calling them neo-Communists on the basis of the fact that there was no discernible difference between the view these political actors took of American capitalism – corporations are evil, capitalism is bad, America is the great imperialist Satan – and the view taken by the Communists of the Stalin era.