As one who has no official, or I assume, even unofficial standing or influence with the BB brass-
When the unnamed thread in question was moved from the Polls forum into the Bible Versions Forum (I add, correctly moved, IMO) it is now subject to the rules of that forum, which are more detailed and specific, than the rules generally, and can be found here.
Out of curiosity, have you actually read these rules that all of us abide under?
In addition, there are the rules that again, each and every one of us peons, agreed to [and that includes every Moderator and Administrator on the Baptist Board has agreed to, without exception (although I would presume that the owner of the BB could exempt himself, or any other, should he choose, as it is his site)] that can be found here.
Again, have you actually read these that you agreed to, as well? (FTR, I did read these, as they were written, at that time, and fully agreed with them, in principle, before I joined the BB, for if I had not agreed, I would have never joined, in the first place.)
There have been a couple of small modifications, since I joined, and an additional 'rule' made on no postings on Hum*n S*xu@lity, in several fora, that I think are also prudent.
I have never tried to run anyone off from the BB, nor suggested any more than a very small handful get permanently vacationed, from the BB, and in each case, this was the result of unmitigated hateful usually racial bigotry, and the total number of these suggestions could be made on one hand, and I would still have two fingers and a thumb left on which to count.
I would suggest that the Moderators do a very fair job, generally speaking, and really wonder why you are surprised when one is 'attacked', that others should defend him or her, considering the amount of time they all donate to the BB.
If I were to 'attack your own pastor, in a manner you deemed to be unfair and unwarranted, would you not "defend the honor" of that Pastor?
I do that where my own pastor is concerned, and even though my own pastor likely has fewer who are stronger doctrinal critics, than I am, that is not the same as a personal 'shot' from another, especially one from outside, attacking him in this personal manner.
One person did make this suggestion, in the past, about someone not liking the policies of the Baptist Board.
If you or I don't like these rules and policies of the Baptist Board, any of us are perfectly free to start our own Board, and we can see that the rules are set up as to our own liking. There is not one legal or moral prohibition to our doing exactly that. :flower:
I agree.
With all respect, it seems you would like to be able "to call all the shots" here, at times. Things simply don't work like that anywhere, from what I've seen in 60 years.