I believe it means. The Spirit God, Hear ye Israel Yahweh Elohim of us Yahweh One, generated in a virgin woman, the woman who was taken from man created in the image of Elohim, a man child, the Son of the Living God.
I believe Elohim who told Moses, I shall become who I am becoming, tell the children of Israel, I shall become, he sent me unto you, became who he was becoming in his only begotten Son, Jesus the Son of Man who said I Am.
Made a little lower than the angels yet by inheritance obtained a name more excellent than the angels. This is the Son whom God, appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;
How is this so? Because this Son was in the Father before the the foundation of the world, the Lamb ordained to be slain before the man created in the image of Elohim was created or the woman taken from the man by which this Son would be born.
You asked.