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Spacing Problem in Word Document


Active Member
I am typing in a Word document and since I typed in a quote, indenting it, the spacing has gone strange and now the last line of a paragraph has big gaps between the words. I type in block, or fully justified. Could someone please tell me what I have done wrong and how I can correct it?

Many thanks


NaasPreacher (C4K)

Well-Known Member
I have had the same problem. I am not sure what I did to fix it, but it had something to do with the paragraph formatting tool.

Wish I could remember what I did :( .


Active Member
Roger, I can't figure out what I have done. :confused: I will look in occassionally to see if anyone has come up with a solution but I will just carry on with my work as I feel I have been making real progress today.

I hope you are getting on well with your work too.

God Bless



Active Member
Roger, I thought I had it sorted, but no, the problem still exists. :(


[ February 22, 2005, 08:32 AM: Message edited by: followinghim ]


Active Member
What I have done now is to copy my work, minus the offending bit into an new word document and then type in the wonky bit and it is fine. Still don't know how else to fix it but this new document seems to be going ok so far.



Jeff Weaver

New Member
Two likely problems, first, you probably clicked on justify all, rather than justify full. If that doesent fix, it might need to insert a hypen is some word to divide the text between lines.


New Member
If you go to the menu bar and click on Tools / Options... and check the 'All' box under Formatting marks (or click the Show/Hide tool button), you'll be able to see all of the document's inline formatting information. Perhaps that will shed some light on the problem.


New Member
I'm not sure I fully understand the problem, but...

Have you tried positioning your mouse on the line of text that is spaced out wierd and then pressed enter? Have you tried highlighting that paragraph and and changed it from justify to align left and back?

As for the spacing...

Have you tried highlighting and formatting not just the the block quote, but also the paragraph before the quote and the paragraph after? If you go to the Format menu and choose paragraph, try toggling these options: the alignment, as well as the spacing before and after (to 0 pt?). Maybe that will help?

If you just hightlight the quote, you can format that paragraph -- it's "special" should be none while the indentation is probably at 0.5 for right and left. You likely want the other paragraphs to have a special of "first line" by "0.5" and 0 for the indent.


Active Member
Thank you all for your replies. In the end I copied the text concerned into a new document and it was fine. No idea what I might have done wrong tho'.

I have just handed my dissertation in. I was beginning to think it would never be finished.

I have never used notepad? What is that please and is it easier to use than Word. I have 2000ME if that makes any difference.




Stick with MSWord, unless you are typing less than two or three pages at a time.

Its a Windows accessory program found under "Accessories". Just a cheap and dirty word processor with minimum capability.

Its okay if you are just writing short items, but for a dissertation, you need MSWord or Wordperfect.


Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
Sorry, my comment on notepad was a joke - it is good for quick notes and doesn't allow formatting or much but typing.

Word has been a real mystery to me, on many fronts. It kind of does its own thing at times. I have tried shutting off options and still get into trouble.


Active Member
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Over the years I have translated all my sermons into Word format. For some that meant going from Appleworks format for the old Apple IIe to WordPerfect 4.2 then on to Lotus Wordpro via Lotus AmiPro and finally to Word.

The quick fix I use for erroneous Microsoft Word Formatting confusion is simple.

I copy the entire document from word into Notepad which strips out all formatting leaving a bare text file and then copy it back into a new Word Document. Then I can do clean reformatting for that particular document.


Well-Known Member
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The copy paste into notepad is a good trick to remember - if only I could remember :)

I started in Bank Street Writer for Commodore so have always done my storage/backup in ascii txt files so they can go into anything that comes down the software pike.

When I converted from Commodore it cost me toooo much money to have my files converted. Haven't had any problems since however :)

Big projects I usually keep in both fomatted and .txt.