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starting a webpage


New Member
Is there a way that I can start a webpage for free? Or do I have to go through someone and pay them? The reason as to why I'm asking is this: I made a movie on movie maker that goes to the song "Proud to be an American" by Lee(something) and it has all these pictures of soldiers. My dad was amazed that I had made it and said that I should make a webpage and post it. Oh... how do I put the movie onto the webpage? please help!


Active Member
google "free webhosting" and do some looking around. You should be able to view some sample pages to see which one you like best. AND they'll explain whether or not you can put a movie on them. Free pages have limited band width, so after so many people look at it for so long (and this usually involves the time you spend putting things on it), it will shut down for a while.

Now, I pay for my space and have never come near using it all.

My Web Site


<img src =/6412.jpg>
If you just need a place to host the video for free, check out Putfile - http://www.putfile.com/

Regarding video, they allow many file types (.wmv .avi .mpg .mpeg .mov .asf .asx .mp4 .3g2), plenty of free space for it (25MB), and allow unlimited uploads.

They also host images, audio, and flash.

Putfile is a FREE digital media hosting service. Here you can upload videos and images to the internet for free. Your media will be hosted on our reliable servers offering zero downtime.
In Christ,



Oh, and as far as making a webpage, check out Bravenet - http://www.bravenet.com/

Their free webaite allows up to 50MB of disk space and up to 1.5GB of bandwidth.

They also have some great easy tools to help you design your page, as well as all kinds of free add-ons (like counters, guestbooks, and stuff like that).


New Member
don't worry... i will! OH! And another thing.... what would you suggest me putting on this website besides a video? maybe a section on how to get saved, a guestbook, wallpaper, links, etc. Please... suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
Whatever you want. You might start with a first page with all the links on it that go to other pages that contain the items you want to put on the site.

Possible links/content.

link to your movie
link to the gospel
link to a links page where you put links to your favorite sites, maybe church, schools etc.
link to a little information about you - what you like, where you go to school, whatever.

You might want to think up a neat name for the site.

Its your space, make it fun for you.


New Member
thanks excentric. i have another question: What would be a good theme for another video besides support our troops? something that the public will love but something that is appropriate.


Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
Don't know what your interest are, but support our veterans might be something to consider.

Support our president :) if you do - he could use some these days.

Maybe others can give some ideas.


New Member
i should do something for the President... thats good. the video that i want to post on this sight is to the ones fighting in the war today and in times past. it goes to the song "God Bless the USA."


New Member
So your saying that I am not allowed to make a movie using that particular song as the music? AND that I may get introuble for using it? that's retarded.


New Member
So your saying that I am not allowed to make a movie using that particular song as the music? AND that I may get introuble for using it? that's retarded.


Also be careful with any photographs you are you using, especially if this site is not just meant for your friends and family, even then using copyrighted material is not a good idea. It is wonderful what you are doing, but people do not take kindly to people using their work without their permission.


Originally posted by Clean1:
So your saying that I am not allowed to make a movie using that particular song as the music? AND that I may get introuble for using it? that's retarded.
That not very nice, considering someone was giving you advice, perhaps something you would not know as you are a teenager. Read copyright law, and you will see we are correct.


New Member
Im sorry if I sounded rude. Please forgive me. I am very thankful for the advice and even asked my dad about it. I just don't think that I will get into any trouble because: 1) I did not revise the song in any way, shape, or form, 2) the photos all came from searching the images of Google, Yahoo, and MSN, and 3)I am not claiming that the song is mine nor am I claiming that I took the photos. If someone does not like what I am doing then they can email me and say that what I did is not right and that I should remove it. If that is the case I will remove it immediately. I just think that it would be dumb if someone took a teenager to court over making a movie using the original "God bless the USA" and putting it to a slide show made from Windows Movie Maker of photos of US soldiers. My dad nor my mom think that I will get into trouble. I'll pray about and for God's guidance. Once again... im sorry for sounding rude. When I said 'retarded' I meant someone trying to sew me over using a song and pictures for a movie. On the website (if i get one) i plan putting who the song was by and where I got the pictures.



I also do not believe that you would be taken to court over using the images/songs. Nearly all copyright cases are settled out of court, and they usually consist of a letter from a lawyer requesting the user to cease using the copyrighted materials. If you are putting the source of all your material you should not have a problem, although you could still be asked to remove it because, technically, you are required to ask permission when using any copyrighted material regardless of where you found it. Trust me, I was not trying to rain on your parade, so to speak. I was just giving some friendly advice. I think it is great that you are using your creative talents in the manner you are. Good luck with your website, and your "movies".



New Member
thankyou Filmproducer for your helpful advice. i know that you were just being a good sister in Christ to me, warning me what might happen, and I appreciate that... alot. Do you know if there is anyway that I can get permission for the song?


The United States Copyright Office has a website which lists all the copyrights. You should be able to search for the song title, but as for the pictures you would have to search for the photographer. Once you find it there should be an address for the author/owner of the copyright, or in some cases the authorized agent of the copyright. I believe, but I am not positive, the site has instuctions on gaining copyright permission. If that doesn't help, PM, if you like, I have had to obtain various copyright permissions working in film. We also hold three different copyrights, ourselves.



Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
Just a thought, as a Christian the basis of deciding whether to go ahead or not should never be based on whether you are going to get caught or in trouble. You should desire to do what is right and proper.

Contact the publisher of the song and see if they will give you permission. Tell them what you are doing and see what happens.