Here is a link to a site dedicated to stopping the most dangerous woman in the world today.
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gerald285 said:Here is a link to a site dedicated to stopping the most dangerous woman in the world today.
Brother Bob said:After all the lies we been through, I don't think the Repubicans have any room left to talk. They claim to be conservative, but yet to win, they will vote for Rudy, who is as liberal as Hillary or anyone else. It is a "win" game, regardless of the morals, lying or anything else.
Bush and Cheney make me ill to my stomach.
This country was at least on finanical recover under the Democrats, but now look how deep in debt we are. We are selling off the whole country to China under the Republicans. I don't think is God's will that we don't live within our means. Talk about Democrats spending, when they are the ones who gets this country out of debt. Cheney and Bush are getting rich from the oil companies, they could care less about us.
Propaganda point was the mushroom cloud.hillclimber1 said:If by lies, you're referring to the invasion of Iraq, you're believing a propaganda point. The whole free world agreed, whether true or not. Deceived maybe, lies no.
The GOP has as its platform a base far more Biblical than do the democrats. Admittedly, since '2000' that platform has been largely ignored.
It is the history of Democrats to put this country in debt, and to increase socialism, and the Republicans have historically been for fiscal conservatism, and individualism.
The Cheney/Bush comment is simply irrelevant, and specious.
Ps104_33 said:Lets face it folks. Anybody who made it all the way to potus didnt get there without compromising his own convictions to please the desires of the constituents he represented along the way. Politics is not a religion and this country is full of all different kinds of people with all different kinds on beliefs. God will straighten everything out in his own time. I tend to be more realistic when it comes to politics because as someone said,
"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job. "
Those who want to make abortion the only driving issue in their decision are only going to make a bad situation worse. The driving issue for me is another 9/11 or worse. The Muslim terrorists are very patient. There is something in the works. It may be nuclear, bio, financial, etc. But we cannot let our guard down when it comes to the security of this country and that is why I believe Rudy Giuliani is the man.
Brother Bob said:Clinton, like it or not, gave us a balanced budget
KenH said:That is incorrect. The national debt increased every year of the Clinton presidency. One year did come close to breaking even. The national debt has increased every fiscal year for over 45 years.
The illusion of a surplus in the late 1990s was created by including the Social Security surplus as part of the general budget. That is why the national debt continued to increase every year when the illusion of a budget surplus was being trumpeted.
Brother Bob said:If they keep finding the Gay Congressmen in the Republican, there won't be any left. I am afraid to go in a public bathroom now, because a Republican Senator made it his "pickup" place.
The truth is the truth. If you live in a glass house, don't throw rocks.
Brother Bob said:Then why are they not called on it when they say they balanced the budget.
Ps104_33 said:Oh, and BTW. Did I mention that Giuliani's senior advisor to his campaign is Ted Olsen? You remember his wife dont you? She died in the plane that hit the pentagon on 9/11.
Brother Bob said:Propaganda point was the mushroom cloud.
The Republicans may have a more Biblical platform, but don't live by it. If they keep finding the Gay Congressmen in the Republican, there won't be any left. I am afraid to go in a public bathroom now, because a Republican Senator made it his "pickup" place.
As far as putting this country in debt, the Democrats don't hold the Republicans a light to see by. Ronald Regan put this country in debt more than any President we ever had followed by George Bush.
Clinton, like it or not, gave us a balanced budget, of which the Republicans never do.
The truth is the truth. If you live in a glass house, don't throw rocks.
Brother Bob said:Clinton, like it or not, gave us a balanced budget, of which the Republicans never do.
The truth is the truth. If you live in a glass house, don't throw rocks.