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Here we have His Holiness Pope Francis venerating – i.e. worshipping as God – the unleavened wafer he has consecrated – i.e. transubstantiated into the very Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In other words, other than the small obvious fact that the man-made wafer lacks the attributes necessary to be considered an ordinary human being, let alone God Almighty, the Holy Pontiff and millions of deluded faithful sincerely believe otherwise.
The consecrated Host has been placed into a unique receptacle specifically designed for easy adoration of the Roman Catholic wafer god whom they call ‘Jesus.’
This receptacle is called a ‘monstrance.’
By following the etymology of this noun, we are led to a clear understanding in our day of the Lord’s admonition When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand)
The ‘holy place’ signifies the Temple of God which in N.T. parlance signifies the Church of God. (1 Cor. 3:16; 2 Cor. 6:16; Eph. 2:21-22; etc.)
This paramount spiritual truth eludes Futurists.
There is no disagreement that among his many prophecies Daniel spoke of the sacrilegious desecration which was to be committed by Antiochus IV Epiphanes through his sacrifice of swine in the Jewish Temple.
However, Futurists take this historical truth and postulate a literal rebuilt Temple, replete with Jewish priests and animal sacrifices.
They neglect to consider the New Testament definition of the term ‘Temple of God.’
The N.T. Temple of God is the Church of God comprised of believers, not buildings.
Furthermore, a literal rebuilt Temple would not be the Temple of God.
It would be the Temple of Satan, as is the Dome of the Rock… is St. Peter’s Basilica.
Let us now consider the etymology of ‘monstrance’ according to the Online Etymology Dictionary:
late 15c., from Middle French remonstrance (15c., Modern French remontrance), from Medieval Latin remonstrantia, from present participle stem of remonstrare "point out, show," from re-, intensive prefix (see re-), + Latin monstrare "to show" (see monster).
Please note that the dictionary refers us to the noun, ‘monster.’
early 14c., "malformed animal or human, creature afflicted with a birth defect," from Old French monstre, mostre "monster, monstrosity" (12c.), and directly from Latin monstrum "divine omen, portent, sign; abnormal shape; monster, monstrosity," figuratively "repulsive character, object of dread, awful deed, abomination," from root of monere "warn" (see monitor (n.)). Abnormal or prodigious animals were regarded as signs or omens of impending evil.
For centuries true Christians have understood that the Celebration of the Sacrifice of the Mass was an abominable sacrilege against the holy person, holy work and holy sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ.
That satanic ritual was their warning to flee for their lives.
They would rather die than deny their Lord.
And die they did.
By the tens of thousands.
Rather than view the Eucharist as the Most Blessed Sacrament, the Lord has pronounced His view: It is an abomination, a monstrosity which profanes, denies and tramples upon the very Lord whom Antichrist professes to represent, worship and serve.
Within that monstrance is a monster, a monstrous sacrifice which the beast Antichrist Pope Francis has made, to the glory of his god, Satan.
But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.
Yet fellowshipping with and honoring devil worshippers is not an issue to such ‘Christian’ luminaries as Graham, Osteen, Robison, Copeland, et al.